
Dec 13, 2011 10:31

Salutation addressed to journal, and maybe also flist, if any of you are still around.

Cheerful, yet appropriately exhausted greeting followed by woeful explanation of how busy life has been. Complaint about co-worker. Expression of the more subtle tendencies of a love/hate relationship relating to job.

Brief summary of time spent with family in recent holidays. Required gripe about road trips, followed by strong nostalgic memories of how awesome road trips were Back When We Were Younger.

Cute story about the dog.

Apology to Blake for not thinking about him in at least the last 4 consecutive days. (WTF)

Quick summary of all errands due, I-Miss-You closing remark,



but i'm not wearing any pants, pepole think this review is worthles, dread pirates, anonymouse, what does that have to do with anything?, overcredited and underappreciated, ginger has your glasses, don't chagrin me, nobody thinks you're funny, this can never happen again, i before e except after icwydt, tentaculacular, on the other other hand, anansi boys, oh hai, that's mrs padalecki to you, she made it in her artistic ability, tactical bacon, check out my sick blending, fuck you imma ukelele, it's where things go, she said what, it's conjoined twins, in the cemetery, people who should be paid, don't touch that, achievement unlocked, who, we are done professionally, ginger would like it to be known that..., karina needs therapy, lost stories, boys are silly, hit the artist, roflhouse, *facepalm*, explain to me, i tell you, jared padalecki, this tag has been tampered with, i like this game, because it's wrong, i'm in ur el jay making ur posts, what was my name?, oh noes, ninja owl strikes again

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