Feb 04, 2011 23:14

Dear Dean,
For a guy who quit wearin' a watch and doesn't want to think about how long he's been alive, that sure is a giant mess of resouled brother gold watches you've got there. I love you and your shortness term ability to keep secrets. I love that you wear that bucket helmet of Saint What's-His-Name with pride when you get to blow. shit. up. Also, dude, that was a kickass hand-rail jump kick thing you did. Approved. Now, how about we go tell the world, OH YEAH, WELL YER MOM.
Yours in the failboat of surreptitiousness, 

Dear Sam,
I like beer with my ham and cheese, too! And hugs. And I wondered what would have happened if you'd been the one to try to pull the sword out... Also, for someone who was not moving around a whole lot in this episode (besides The Crowbar of Destiny!), watching you run to catch up on an entire year's worth of stuff exhausted me. P.S. You can stop that now, please. Knowing and remembering are not the same thing. I like it when you breathe. 
Yours with the IV drip of Badassness,

Dear Show,
You know, everything was really awesome with the plane and the graphics and all that but the stuff that got my heart skipping... was all the Impala shots. She just felt.. happier. Her Sammy was back! She is happy. And riding in the back seat listening to them talk... taking in the beats while we drove down the street... I was so there, man. CAN WE HAVE MORE OF THAT??? I WANT MORE OF THAT.
Yours playing drums on the bench seat,

achievement unlocked, we caught the narnia, i am beer, batshanging, wonder twin powers activate, damsels are hawt, karina needs therapy, under the volcano, boys are silly, gぇえ, die in a fire, angels are not so obi wan, fearthewrathofthe eta, yay?, tentaculacular, sera gamble i want to have your babies, jensendude needs a bucket, bobby!, spn instareaction post, sam and dean own my soul, sam is dean and dean is sam, i like this game, because it's wrong, yep i'm dead, lunch around the stone table

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