Fic Meme, which I have no business doing considering I barely write anything but you keep asking me

Jan 08, 2011 13:48

Step aside, we're answering with lightning...
Outside of the first two, the answers will have to cover the entire span of my fan fiction writing experience due to there being so few to brag about in any given year.

Total word count = 106,685 and I mean total as in online.

My favorite story this year (of my own):

Time Will Tell. (2500) It's unsanctimonious and blasphemous at the same time and in the best of ways. Dean and I had fun with this one.

My best story this year:

Hey Jude. (484) Maybe it didn't happen literally, but it did happen.

Story most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion:

Iikaah. (8,000) One of the few stories that Sam and I wrote together, it's pure pre-series, awkward college kid with special powers. Probably "long and boring" by fanfic standards.

Most fun story:

Book Quiz. (900) Imagine Winchesters trying to answer a Cosmo survey. That would have been easier.

Most suspenseful story:

VCFE. (40,300) We thought the show would never come back from the strike and I just couldn't leave it there. I still find myself going back to edit this dang thing for sentence structure seeing as how it was my first venture back into writing since high school and it just. kept. going. and. going. It has been Kripke'd so many times that it's stupefying. Nobody reads it now, but that's okay with me.

Story with single sexiest moment:

Confession time? I tried to write Sam/Dean a few times, but it always felt weird and I struggled with it because it didn't fit the characters that I had come to know. Here is your Consolation Prize, which is sexy only in a metaphysical sense:  These Ties That Bind. (1776)

Story with single sweetest moment:

I know a certain someone who would argue for Socket, Valve, Heart, (341) so that deserves a mention, but I pick  On The Last Day We Rested. (320)

Most unintentionally *telling* story:

Dead Letters. (7370) Mostly because I never told anyone that I wrote it. Now you know. *hands* Most of my stuff is intentionally telling, though. This one in particular seems to keep coming true in different ways:  Zeitgeist. (2200)

"Holy crap, that's *wrong*, even for you" story:

There's No Boss Like Hugo Boss. (1560) I can't believe that I'm even listing it.

Most disappointing story:

Salt & Fire. (1800) Very prosaic and granular. There is a reason that all the scenes have whiskey in them. Leaving it at that.

Hardest story to write:

Unbreakable. (13,269) Over a year in its conception, once mapped, it only took 10 days to bang out. Not listed as my automatic favorite ("of my own", because it's co-authored), it is definitely the one that I'm most proud of.

Easiest story to write:

Voice Mail. (224) The one I'm most "known for", I guess. I wrote it in 10 minutes and it caught on... seems to happen with organic stories like this, while the real time/plot hogs swelter in oblivion. Ain't that the way?

This year's theme and the story that demonstrates it most:

Vida. (269) It didn't catch on, but I think that's because it needs more words. Call it a seedling.


meme, writing, karina needs therapy, sam and dean own my soul

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