Have some boys

May 03, 2010 22:37

High Res Season Two Promotional Photos (90 files, 90MB, ZIP)

In case word didn't get around yet, I have a new job. YAY! That means now I also have a commute. NOT YAY! And I am carpooling with Aaron, who makes more money the longer he works. PICTURE K SITTING IN A CAR WAITING. A LOT. WITH THE WAITING.  I haven't gotten home before 8pm lately. He's making lots of money. YAY! These reviews are getting nowhere! NOT YAY. I'm considering giving up sleep between now and the finale. I have three pounds of coffee in the pantry. WE CAN DO IT.

On the other hand, Zilla has a new selector shaft seal and rear diff gasket. No more leaks anywhere. Next, saving up for a new steering gear box and a disc brake conversion. Body work on this baby is going to cost somewhere in the neighborhood of my left kidney when I get to it, but he's holding up in the Texas weather like a champ.

OMG, tahirire will be here in THREE DAYS. The world is going to stop turning when we are in the same location, so if you're walking through your living room and you see that same commercial that you just saw on that other channel 10 seconds ago? FYI, don't panic. It's only the supernova conductor we're experimenting with in my living room.

epic show pwns everything, zilla, dread pirates, karina needs therapy, under the volcano, i sit around collecting things, picspam, tahirire keeps stealin' my tags, yay?, anansi boys, downloadables, gearhead, le sigh, take a chill pill, friends, what was my name?, work, ninja owl strikes again

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