Enough is enough

Sep 09, 2009 16:10

I think they should have more dwarves on Supernatural. In the interest of fairness, I'd demand the inclusion of little people in at least every other episode, and their characters should be more relevant to the mytharc and the hero aspects of the show. They are so underrepresented in America and in the media as opposed to the contributions they make in society as a whole. When they have appeared on the show, which was what, one or two episodes, they always seem to be put down and mocked and given tiny roles. I mean, that we've only ever seen them as clowns? Come on! What kind of discrimination is that?!

Note to fandom: If I see you lauding this "article", have fun playing with yourself without me. When I'm less stupified by all the praise it's getting, I will write a response meta that's an actual meta.

ETA: This latest comment by the Angry Black Woman just takes the cake: "Also: everything is about race, you just don't know it." 
Oh, I know this argument! "We're special because my ancestors came over in forced servitude on a boat!" Well GUESS WHAT? So did a large percentage of the white population in the first 100 years of US colonization. Ask Australia; they could tell you a similar story. I'm sorry, who is winning the insensitive race here if I'm supposed to be mindful of 'your' past when you're not informed of 'mine'? Madam, if that's how you want to see it, I don't think I'll be watching your guest author reformulate her weak position in the comments anymore, and when I think about these perceptions of racism toward black people (and not toward every segregation of culture that I can touch a finger to, including W. T. Hillbilly and Soy Latte Prius Driver) *takes a deep breath* and how you and yours can't even adhere your argument to your own criteria... writing a meta in response is really not worth my time.

all aboard the failboat, wtf, batshanging, what does that have to do with anything?, we are done professionally, don't chagrin me, bzuh?, oh for the love, wank!, die in a fire, fearthewrathofthe eta, ping pong time, nobody asked you, on the other other hand, kripke is all kill kill kill, fandom, wat, i tell you, le sigh, because it's wrong, going to hell, blah, what is this faggot tree?

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