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tahirire ... shocking.
The six icons meme.
1. Reply to this post, and I will pick six of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.
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That is a gun in Sam's hand. That is Sam shooting you in the face with it. That is me behind Sam. I could go into the reasons why you can't see me, but they are kind of obvious.
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If the term "Bow to the Hair" doesn't cover it, I don't know what does. I like his hair, OKAY? It's pensive, it's moody, it's thoughtful, it's him getting up the courage to walk down the Victoria's Secret runway with his angel wings, lacey undies and hooker heels.
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This is from my favorite episode, In My Time of Dying. It's the one I use when I feel like someone just un(intentionally) kicked me in the non-existent nads.
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All Hell Breaks Loose. I have a thing for moody black and whites. I also really like how his left nostril flares slightly if you tilt your head to the right and blink. Points to you if you actually try this, +6 if it actually works.
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Jared has Antler-Fu. The determination of this effect has been
explained previously in
great detail. Furthermore, it
cannot be denied.
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Because Uriel kills all innocent beings, like Holly Hobby and Spider Monkeys and Bambi's Mom. Okay, maybe Holly Hobby wasn't so innocent, but you know what I mean. But Sam's Antler-Fu Saves the Day! always. ... is that a spoiler? *scratches head*