Meta Recs: It's all about Jensen and Dean

Oct 21, 2008 02:19

I have some wonderful metas for yall!

This one is a purely empirical meta by gwendolyngrace. At a time when fandom was going batshite over accusations of misogyny and whatnot, this was a bright shining candle over in the corner of logic. Or rather, it would have been if people had known it was there.
The Dean Winchester Physical Contact Matrix
So, over the summer, etakyma and I were working on projects and watching the Supernatural Reruns, and I was writing fic, and really cresting my Supernatural Conversion High. And we got to talking about Dean and his extreme “Don’t Touch Me” vibes (in “Playthings,” in particular). This led me to think about how often he *really* touched anyone, and under what circumstances. So I decided to conduct a little research, and flex my statistical skills in the process. Dean tends to be the one controlling how and when and for what purpose he is touched.

This one you may have read before; it was posted in June and was written by Julia Wright. This is 18 linked pages with three pages of reference. A truly astounding, unapologetic view of the metaphors and underlying messages of Supernatural's mytharc.
Latchkey hero: masculinity, class and the gothic in Eric Kripke's Supernatural
In Supernatural, the beings fought by the brothers are taken from a globalized mythology, explicitly traced to belief systems from Europe, the middle East, and pre-colonial America. In "Scarecrow" (season 1, episode 11--hereafter 1.11), Supernatural even decenters the myth of a Christian origin for the United States by representing the pilgrims as only one religious group among many. Read more...

Also, also, also,
If anyone figures out how to play this spoiler video for Thursday, please let me know!

pimping, thinky thoughts, dean!, cnk 80q3, bzuh?, jensen ackles, insomnia again, meta, teh awesum

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