LISTEN TO OUR DEVOTION. Okay, this is awesome. No, not the show. I mean. It was. But. Oh, shit. Susan and I were talking about the episode on the phone because we talk about four times a day and it's no biggie BUT THIS WAS we were laughing and commenting and OH-MY-GOD-ing and all of a sudden we hear snoring and we're like, "where is that coming from?" and we get really quiet and listen and it's STILL THERE. Sawing zzz's. LOL. And we're like, "what IS that?" and Susan is laughing her ass off at the fifth viewing of the Buddy TV videos that I've barely had a chance to watch ONCE and I hear it AGAIN. And I'm like, "Susan, is Jason SNORING?" and she's like, "No, I'm out in the office" and I'm all like, "Then who is the dude with the SNORE LIKE VESUVIUS IN YOUR FREAKING PHONE?" and she's all like, "ohhhhhh". And she goes in the house and walks upstairs and it's Jason, who has fallen asleep LISTENING TO US TALK ABOUT SHOW.
SO. The episode.
Do. You. Expect. Me. To. Speak. English. After. THAT?
Jim? Jared? Jensen? Anyone? No?
But to be serious. But I can't do that right now. Not until I'm off the phone. Because. WOAH. COHERENCY IS NOT. HAPPENING. TO BE. More later. CASTIEL, YOU ARE PREACHING TO THE CHOIR.
Okay, I'm off the phone. And I am NOT drinking. And I'm NOT ON DRUGS.
I feel like qualifying everything I have to say about this episode because I identify so well with Sam (even though I'm the oldest) and because nothing in this episode really shocked me. I was 98.999% spoiled. But I was also 100% amazed.
Both boys are turning into badasses. *victory arms* I was worried for a while there that it might be one or the other but not both... oh, ye of little faith, huh?
I wrote Badelunda as a dream sequence. Obviously, no one could catch on fire the way Sam did in that story and be ultimately unharmed. So I understood. He would not be able to live through that - eliminating all hope for Dean's return... oh, Sam.
Sam exorcising the demon with the "laying on of hands". Brilliant. It was pure...brilliant. It made the realization that much creepier... to know that he was seeing this ability as something normal. Good, even. That it wasn't a power, it was just a prayer. So what if he doesn't have to say it out loud... right? It's just a prayer, right? The same as any other believing person would do... Oh, SAM.
Ruby is not who she is cracked up to be. Even now. I kind of love that a lot. If something is going on there relationship-wise... oddly, the thought doesn't really bother me. I mean, the meaning bothers me, but it doesn't squick me. I mean, it squicks me, but... oh, damn. I guess it does... He's so vulnerable while trying to be so stoic that it breaks my heart and I want so intensely for him to find some solace that I'd put up with just about anything. Maybe that's how he's feeling, too. It's an empty comfort, though. Dunno... maybe it's because I know it's not Kristy|Ruby who will ultimately break Sam's heart.
So many secrets.
And Dean knew exactly what was going on. He bitch-slapped a demon. Twice. In the face. Without defense. Even if you asked him to explain his reasons for his hunches every time, he probably couldn't but it was there behind his eyes - the realization of everything that was happening: to Sam, to Bobby, to the demons, to everyone. 'Cause when you're in Hell, there's nothing much to do but practice your intuition...
Yeah, dude. All that.
Sam thanking God for Dean not remembering anything about Hell... I got an inkling that not only was he asking after his brother's well-being, he was also seeking information about Hell for his own benefit... maybe to see if it coincided with what I'm sure have been his own - secret - flashbacks of death. It was subtle. One of those little interactions that will POP later on down the road. I liked it.
That's all. Or. Maybe.
We've asked the boys. Now.
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