So we spent a few beers, I mean hours, I mean beers, bleeding the brakes for the new master cylinder and installing it and accidently busting the rusted brake lines on the old master cylinder so that we need to go get new ones (called it!) and replacing the spark plugs which I just had a feeling needed to be done, even though they said it had just been overhauled, but HAVE YOU SEEN these sparkplugs OMG hideous.
Figure A.1a&1b DUDE.
I wish we had a picture of the old master cylinder and the brake fluid. It was reddish brown. IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE CLEAR. What the .... when did ... shiiiyit.
Look at the three on the right, it was totally gap-fucked... I mean how totally bent are those gaps! It's a freaking wonder it was running as smoothly as it was.
We took a break and I told him what the guys are up to (Jensen in Pittsburg and Jared in Sydney and Jim in LA... JDM, I dunno?...) and who we're going to hire to do the body work on the truck so that's it's restored and not just 'fixed' (no fiberglass or total replacements, please) and then we reminisced about other stuff that we would do again if we won the lottery. First reactions: I would keep the RX-8. He would throw a huge party... yeah, that works together... I took the RX-8 up to 128mph on the way home Thursday night because I am BAD monkey. But it's SO MUCH FUN.
Then we started it up, without shifting or hitting the brake so we wouldn't blow the brake fluid nipples off the new master cylinder (I THOUGHT you'd like that word) and the HOLY COW SHUT IT OFF flip out commenced. And two flashlights. Waterfalls. And rain. And dripping. Of fuel. Thank goodness neither of us was smoking because we wouldn't be here right now, but JEEZ. That leak that started during the second day of the convention? Was a monster geyser tonight. One of the fuel lines coming out of the pump was cracked in five places. So we took all those off, too, including the filter. Good luck, O'Reillys, AutoZone and NAPA. This is your LAST CHANCE TO BE USEFUL.