Okay, so, remember how I said...

May 25, 2008 06:20

...that I hadn't cried yet today?

Haha. That is now a huge LIE.

Could not sleep. Again. Folding laundry, imagination gets the better of me, thinking about Sam's Next Day... it will not leave me alone. Dusting the house. Yep. While in tears. What the hell. Maybe because my mind knows I will be alone (safe... I am a loner by nature), now it's all catching up to me. So I put in the first disk of season one. I figure some snarky Dean will put me to rights, right? I get to Dead in the Water. I get to the scene where it pauses over the glass of the lake, rolling and cresting on the tops of their heads in slow motion, Dean pulling Lucas out and taking a huge gulp of air, straining to hold them both above water... and then it thundered and started pouring rain outside... that only lasted minutes, but matched my. big. chest wrenching. tears.

Can someone pull this maneuver for Dean now, please?

Here's the part that's crazy. I have developed muscle spasms. I noticed it at work and then over the last few days I noticed when they were happening... when I was thinking about... any guesses?

Dear Jensen,
this is your fault wtf MAKE IT STOP.

I'm okay. Really. It's good. Heh. *sniff* A prolonged visit to SPN_CAPSLOCK is in order.

But if I see one more bloody Dean icon, like it's some sort of poster or memorial or whatthehell... I dunno if this goal to not cry today will actually happen.

*slaps inner whiny bitch* Where is that serious post I was working on?

all aboard the failboat, wtf, insomnia again, thinky thoughts, dean!, what was my name?

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