
Oct 13, 2008 21:16

To anyone who couldn't come to my wedding here's a summary:
The vision of the bride as she made her entrace was one to make anyone's heart swoon.
The Groom smiled and waited for his beautiful lady to come to his side.
The ceremony was blissfully short but thankfully we all had time to enjoy the fabulous scenery and plesant weather during the 30minute delay of the wedding.
After the Bride and Groom kissed to seal their marriage the pair sailed down the aisle all while the bagpiper played a cheerful tune.
Feasting! Wonderful feasting! Oh what joys to be had in the size of tiny sandwiches and sliced meat. And cheese to sate anyone's palate.
Bring on the wine, the beer and the champagne to toast the newlyweds, may they have a life of happiness together!
Did someone say dessert? Never fear ther was cake to be had and was adorned sweetly with a Han Solo and Leia figure on top.
The bride and groom swirled together to the tune of "a whole new world" and danced as if on clouds.
Spin those records DJ while the party goers shimmy to the beat.
What is it time to leave? The bride and groom are leaving the building with a cascade of bubbles glistening around them. They hop into a golf cart that has been "decorated" with wipped cream and beer cans. Rattle, rattle goes the cans as the cheery couple drive off waving gleefully at the crowd.
It's not over yet. Let's dance, drink and talk till they kick us out. Plus the fabulously glamorous bride is back, she's soooo pretty. :)

So maybe this is a biased view of the wedding. but I think everyone had a good time. I had a great time and I'm sorry for anyone who did not make it.
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