just say "no" to kids

Jul 27, 2008 09:42

 here is a story of how much i hate kids. I was at work and I was checking in a small child who is about 6yrs old. I am needing to get his temperature as part of his check in. Up to this point the kid has been pretty cooperative but suddenly decides to be uncooperative. Basically we don't get his tempurature, I'm frustrated and the mom thinks I'm a bitch, so I just put them in another room to be seen by the doctor and figure I'll let someone else deal with it. The next person who goes in also has a difficult time and I feel slightly vindicated knowing that it wasn't just me. But here is the part that is really kinda evil. The doctor goes into see the kid and I hear him screaming and crying, choke briefly and than continue crying.  This is was happens a lot when a kid gets a q-tip to the throat for a strep test. So while that was occuring I thought to myself, "serves him right little brat." And reveled in his tears of pain. Whaaa haaa haa. Stupid kid.
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