The apple doesn't fall...

Jul 02, 2008 08:33

The following story is proof that I had no chance at being a kind, honest person nor did I have the quintessential "mother".

My mom got hired at a new job about a month ago. Things seemed to be going well until she got a letter last friday from her boss saying how my mom's attitude was not acceptable towards the salespeople in their office and other various infractions. My mom's boss wanted my mom to look over the letter and "think" about her actions and than on Monday they would access my mom's position. All weekend long my mom was trying to think of how to save her job. First she is not one to grovel and is more likely to tell them to drop dead. Did I mention that she has been fired from several other jobs in the same fashion. I did talk to her and suggest she grovel and explain to her the many times I've had to "humble" myself. It's never fun and I did not have high hopes that my mom could do it.
  Tuesday comes around and I have a chance to talk to my mom and see how things went. She still has her job. My first thought was amazement and respect and I felt proud that my mom managed to swallow her pride, that is until she told me what she said to keep her job. But before I tell you this little jewel keep in mind that my mom is religious but does not currently attend a church.

She said, "I talked it over with my minister and we prayed for guidance."

That was a complete fabrication, she played the church card! How much more self serving can you get. My newly found respect was shattered and I wasn't terribly surprised. All I have to say is that I'll be seeing my mom in Hell...if I believed in one
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