Apr 17, 2005 17:08
jus got back from eve's house! fun!! on friday we chilled with blake a bit, then he had to go. on saturday we got up really earley like 7. then we talked to blake and then we walked over to his house. we met his sister magen. she's cool. anyway we jus layed on his bed and watched mtv for a while. blake was kinda sorta cuddlein with me. he is soooo sweet. i love him. anyway later cam came over. he cut his hair! but he still looks sexy as hell. but he doesn't talk much at all. anyway eve and i think he isn't very fond of us. later we went over to cam's. he was having a crawfish boil, and he has a swimming pool. so eve and i got in and stood there. diddn't do anything. but we had fun. and i discovered that blake has a nice body.
anyway kevin is [not] leaving my mind, i think i'm finally getting over him. blake is helping with that a lot.
uumm...this time i diddn't want to leave V.I. *tear* i had to go. but in the car when mommy came to get me she started telling me bout this vacation thing. it's in june. and i wanted to cry when she started talking. she is jus purposly taking camp away from me and she wants me to jus forget bout it! i can't do that! i want to go to camp sooo badly! but i kno she wants to do things with me, but everything she wants to do is the exact oppsite of what i want to do! but i guess that is a little selfish, but every time we have done something we go somewhere that she picks! i want to go to calafornia and she wants to go to florida! the bitch!
*sigh* i like blake. he makes me happy.
this weekend is the first weekend that i haven't thought bout all my life probs. i was with my little cuddle bunny, and we had so much fun. I LOVE THAT GIRL!!! she is the best. she diddn't really get in any fights with her 'rents, and i totally forgot bout mine!! and i was happy, i was away from everthing....all the pain...and now it is slowly returning.
ohhh!! i get to see marly tuesday! she's back i don't have to feel weird with gale anymore. but gale is cool..
well ta