Jun 17, 2004 15:41
i have figured out drinking water before bed is not a great idea. for the past couple of days it has been real hot in my house n before bed i have been drinking a large glass of water.. a biggg no no! at about 1 i need to get up and go n when you are in tha deep sleep and in a good dream you just dun wanna. but then again you dont want to pee youself lol. so i have to get up n all tha junk n then i cant get back to sleep! ugh!!
anyways i have been off for the past three days n at 830 every morning i get up thinking i have to watch gage but i dont, so then i cant go back to sleep its like the peeing situation again! but then when i hafta watch gage i can sleep fiiiine!
anyways.. today was ok. i watch school of rock with justin i love tha movie! haha but i have been bored for the past couple of days! my grandparents come home today! so exciting.. i cant wait for later tonight, we are going to watch CSI again i hope! its a good show, we barrowed the series on dvd from a friend. speaking of tha friend, i think my computer is going to be ok!
tomororow i have to watch gage n then saturday we are goin to the lake! ((ANYONE WANNA COME, THIS IS THE TIME TO SPEAK UP))sunday i think the usual.. you should by now know what that is! ahha. well i guess im off i just wanted to do a quick update.
**i have to make a new quiz for tricia bc the one i made was just so unfair lol jk! so this one will be i guess easier.. lol even though tricia got the highest score n shes complaining lol!! well i better go n think of some questions..so b waiting for it, i bet you all are just so excited! i know i know, finish up n get workin on the quiz!
--Have a thrilling Thursday!--