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Dec 28, 2006 16:51

My holiday season/break started on Thursday when a visiting proof. in the School of Education took me out to lunch to my favorite restaurants Zinnia. Typically I order seafood dish (which is what they are known for.) but, Grilled chicken with apple and mango salsa caught my eye. Despite the rude waitress Zinnia still lived up to my expectations and I think Evelyn enjoyed herself. It’s very rare that I form a friendship with fulltime faculty members, as we usually don’t click but there is something about Evelyn that just drew me to her. I enjoyed hearing her stories about teaching 8th grade English in S.C. with a dramatic group of students. It was also interesting hearing about her experiences at Wash-U (pretty much the same the same experience that everyone else has had that has taught there and left. My since is that if you work for the College of Arts and Sciences you either love it or hate it.) And Univ. of WI, which further peaked my interest in wanting to live and work there. The faculty and students sound pretty eclectic and diverse which is just the environment I’m looking for.

I don’t know if Evelyn will remain teaching for Webster after this year I can understand her frustrations with the faculty as most of her’s mirror mine. I hope for their sake that she does though she has a lot to offer and SOE needs her.

Friday was my nice’s first b-day. It’s hard to believe that Nora is one. I got a kick out of her ignoring my sister and brother in law and not paying attention to her new toys she seamed to want to do her own thing and not be concern about everyone else. I miss those carefree moments of childhood. To some up the event when I left I told my sister “I don’t know if she (meaning Nora) had a good time but, I did.

Christmas Eve was spent at my aunt Lynn and Uncle Bill’s I haven’t seen them for over year and it actually went surprisingly better than I had expected. Of course my cousins are older now with their own families for the most part so there really wasn’t an opportunity to fight over useless things.

Yesterday I friend of my father’s who worked in realaste over to look at the house. As most of you know I’ve been looking for a new job and with the possibility of having to move out of state I wanted to see how difficult it would be to sell the house. Surprisingly there isn’t much work that I need to do on the house to sell it basically just replace the floor in the kitchen (which I’ve been wanting to do.) and repair the steps from the deck to the basement and maybe carpet the bedroom.
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