Jan 08, 2006 18:58
I had a very odd day today. What started out to be my usual Sunday ritual of going to city dinner for breakfast was friends turned out to be a history lesson about my hood. I had returned home from having breakfast and remembered that I had a huge pile of leaves out front by the steps that I needed to pick up. As I was working out front I noticed that the guy who actually owns the house next door to me was their (he rents it to this strange rastafarn pot smoker guy who I call Ziggy.) anyway I thought something had to be up because in the year and half that I’ve lived here he's only come buy like 3 times and it’s usually when something major changes in the hood or something up with his tenant (my actual guy who lives there (I don’t call him a neabour because we never talk.) What was particularly strange about this fist was that another guy had pulled up across the street from the owner. They both entered the house together about 20 mins latter the guy who pulled up across the street from the owner came out and started talking to me. Turns out the owner Amilo is considering selling the place and I really hope he does. I love to have his wired tenant out of there he has obnoxious dogs and all sorts of wired activity is going on there (of which I’ve reported to the place but, they haven’t really acted on it.) So it would be nice to be rid of Ziggy and Emilio.
Well just as I’m raid of perspective buyer guy. 3 cop cars go flying down my street. One of them stops and the cop asks if I’ve seen a guy with a black trench goat around here. I say nope I haven’t. (For the most part my nebiorhood is safe despite your usual young shit kids playing pranks and bustn’ car windows.
Well after that’s down one of my other nebiorurs who I had never meet before starts taking to me. Turns out he’s also gay. He noticed my rainbow flag sticker on the car. He talked to me for about an hour. He and his partner lived in the hood for about 25 years. I found out some interesting but, strange things apparently my house was originally owned by a mafia ring leader in the 19 teens and ‘20s his daughter lived in it until the previous owner who I bought it from bought it in the 90’s.
Another huge house in the hood, which is now apartments, was a former whore house and speakeasy in the 20s. So Go figure I guess I moved into the former red light district of st. Louis.