Park Jaebeom - stay strong!

Sep 08, 2009 20:21

I'm tired and pissed off. Which usually results in a ramble:

Could this day get any worse?

I'm sleep deprived, upset with myself for various things and I was almost late to school this morning. And the first thing I hear as soon as the teacher stops speaking is "Jay's left 2PM". I can't even describe how shocked I was to hear that. Yet, some part of me still thought it was only a rumour. Because it was Jay, the leader of 2PM; the CORE of 2PM. I just couldn't believe it, even though this small voice in my mind kept telling me about the whole Myspace-thing, or whatever it was. It wasn't until I found my best friend, who is a big 2PM-fan, and saw her face that I realized the rumours indeed had to be true.

The day has passed slightly in a blur ever since. I've been drifting in and out of grieving, trying to occupy my mind with various other things. I even went shopping with Ana. I normally hate shopping!

But there's one little thing that won't leave me alone. The anger. I'm so freaking mad. Why were people upset with Jay, and what he and his friends had written? Well, because they're not looking at everything from another perspective; basically, they can't see farther than their noses. Park Jaebeom is not Korean, in the sense most in 2PM are. He was raised in America, and had American friends. Shouldn't we expect him to act as an American then? It's a shame he is judged by the way he is behaving when talking to his friends. I know, he's a public person and he should be careful with what he's showing. But is first of all a human being, just like all of us. He deserves to be himself when he's with his friends, since he can't in front of the camera. Then why were people so awful to him because of it?! I just can't get it. I'm trying to be an open person, always trying to see things from different perspective. But this goes beyond me. People invaded his private life, and then people throw rocks at him for it.

I don't think Jay knew what he was in for when he joined JYP. Seriously, I don't anyone knew what they were getting themselves into. The constant public attention, even when you're trying to be anonymous... I think most of us saw the part in Wild Bunny when Jay, Taek and Chansung went to the club. I didn't like the look on Jay's face. Because it made me realize how annoying it must be.

I for one am happy Jay decided to do what he did, even though my heart is broken, and I've been close to tears the entire day. He couldn't take the crap he was given any more, and he stood his ground. It's about time someone does it! It's is inhuman stars are treated in Korea by fans, anti-fans and netizens. Hopefully, things will change little by little, for the better.

We fans should join together and support Park Jaebeom. It couldn't have been an easy decision, but it had to be done. I'm thankful to him for not waiting more before this. As it is, 2PM is still a relatively a new group and can still recover from it. It will never be the same, because 2PM is not the same without their leader. The American, Christian, b-boying, and muscular leader. But the show must go on.

This is not farewell; this is a new beginning. Let us all give our love to Jay, and hope the best to him in the future.

showbiz, ramble, 2pm, jay, korea, park jaebeom

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