May 22, 2004 00:03
I don't think I'm handling... anything.. alright lately. I know I go through this all the time... everyone must be sick of me for doing it.. I know I shouldn't... but I'm depressed..
I don't want to complain to anyone because theres no point in complaining.. Nothing will get accomplished by complaining. No stress will be relieved. No pain will be healed. So I'm not gonna complain.
I am just going to state how I've been feeling:
Sick to my stumach.
Really tired.
Lack of motivation.
Questioning who is my friend and who isn't.
Wondering what will ever become of my life.
Lonely... Very very lonely...
The last one is a really bad one because the more lonely you are, the less chance you have of being not lonely... but I mean, come on.. how can one not be lonely when everyone else seems to have someone interested in them.
I want someone in my life ya know? To beable to go over their house like as if I lived there, plan things together, call each other up all the time, tell each other about our day and what stressed us out and we honestly want to hear about it. Someone to hold me, someone that I can hold. That mothers touch on the back of my head. That warm and soft feel of naturaly embracing each other.
I mean someone else besides foss god damn it!
I would cry right now if I could....
and yea I know, no one really needs to hear this, cuz I've said it a thousand times, you can see it in my soul, you can read it in my aura. Its all there.... you all know it, and probably am sick of it... but its the way I feel.
I don't want anyone to take pitty on me, I don't want anyone to feel sorry, or try and "cheer me up" by saying nice things that are lies.. Hell you don't even need to read this if you don't want to... I just want you to know that I'm sharing my feelings... you can take'em or leave'em... its up to you.