May 03, 2004 03:39
So I was told to update my LJ already... hmmm, ok what to update:
I've been working alot, blah blah thats boring no one really cares about that.. Though little miss perfect, thinks she's better then everyone else started working with me now.. yay... Only good thing I can think about people working is that the adams sandler wannabe will be working more nights and thats cool with me. He's a good guy and fun to hang around with.. provided your not a woman, then he tries to fuck you.
Anyways, kind of tame few weeks hanging out wise.. Chilled with Jim for a bit one night, chilled with Foss for abit another night.. Ummm... other then that I can't remember.. oh yea, I saw the old ex for a night (the non-bitchy one)
Vampire game is heading to my house this tuesday. I'm excited because I can finaly play with all those lovely high level powers that I keep hearing so much about. "Whats that? Theres 40 feet of titanium standing in our way? Shadow Step to the other side. Problem solved"
I had a date with the girl I was talking with for like a month.... whoo boy, that was a fun time alright. NOT! Fuckin dyke was wicked boring and refused to start a conversation, let alone carry on one that I started.. so basicly it was me talking to myself. Fun fun. And then she claims that she didn't say anything cuz I was boring her..... She must have been bored the momment she saw me then cuz she didn't say anything from the start!
I even gave her 3 roses, treated to her dinner and movies and all I got was a pat on the back at the end of the date along with like 4 hours of silence on her side... Oh yea, and she was worse looking then her pictures.... and I don't mean that just physicaly... like I could see the real her... the person inside the body.. god damn was she ugly under the skin!
So I go home and chill out for a while, talk online with some friends when she comes online and greets me with this lovely conversation: I'll add in some commentary to make it even more funny because I would have said this shit if I hadn't been holding back incase we settled it as friends.
serpenttyne: hi
BlackJetforever: yo
serpenttyne: we need to chat
BlackJetforever: ok?
BlackJetforever: did I do something?
serpenttyne: no
serpenttyne: i just dont really see a relationship between us
BlackJetforever: um.. ok
serpenttyne: potential for a relationship*
BlackJetforever: because of this one date....
serpenttyne: based on what i saw and other thigs
BlackJetforever: right.... well thats your decsion
serpenttyne: im sorry
serpenttyne: it just wasnt there
BlackJetforever: sooo then.... what now?
serpenttyne: stick with friends
BlackJetforever: mind if I ask what it was that you "saw"?
serpenttyne: there wasnt an attraction for me.....and you dressed and talked like you were 16-17 and still in highschool
BlackJetforever: ummm..... well that could be the case because it was only last year that I was in High School, plus most of my friends are just leaving HS, in HS, or graduated with me.... I mean your what do you want from me?
serpenttyne: you just need to be you
serpenttyne: i cant help if i dont feel an attraction
BlackJetforever: thats fine, but I don't see why you need to make a distinct difference between the 2 of us just because you went to college when you graduated and I didn't
serpenttyne: its not even that
serpenttyne: its just not there.....those are just the things i can describe
BlackJetforever: I can understand "Its just not there" but the whole highschool thing was uncalled for as well as being a really weak explenation. Attraction and how someone dresses should be 2 different things.
serpenttyne: they can be both at times
BlackJetforever: What would make me not so highschoolish anyways? Sipping lattes at the caffee? Wearing a suit? reading giant novels? Discussing politics? (Why don't I just go to the dead poets society and listen to the beatnicks sing a poem about how their mom kicked them out of the house at age 35, booo hooo! Fucken emo skanks)
serpenttyne: no
serpenttyne: just some mannerisms......i cant really describe it
BlackJetforever: perhaps you should have thought that one out first before you said it. I took offence to that completely
serpenttyne: i know im sorry but im trying to be honest with you
serpenttyne: being honest is better than leading you on
BlackJetforever: I'm not upset about the dating thing, fuck, I realize there wasn't any attraction. (Specialy to your fugly ass! Fuck a paper bag, I would have needed a body suit!)
BlackJetforever: I'm upset because you called me a highschooler.
serpenttyne: *shrugs* well u look it
serpenttyne: and some things u do and some things u said just fit that part
BlackJetforever: pardon me for not being all high and mighty like you and dressing in sweatshirts instead of buttoned up t-shirts. Guess I'll go back to my intro to chem class, fuck some freshmen 14 year old, and get suspended for swearing.
serpenttyne: i wear sweatshirts and tshirts all the time
serpenttyne: the pants u wore were sonething i would have worn freshman or soph year in HS
serpenttyne: flame shirt i last saw when i was junior in HS
serpenttyne: ur just caught inbetween two things HS and whatever is afterwards for you
BlackJetforever: Fuck, then you go and buy me new clothes. I'm a guy, I'm not a fashion major. I wear whats clean and what I think is cool. You didn't exactly fit the "Cool college kid" to me ya know. (You come across as the bitter and lonley skank that can't get any, and is resentfull to those that have a much easier time at it then you.)
serpenttyne: im not gonna dress you
serpenttyne: its like being someones mother
BlackJetforever: then leave my style of clothes alone, I like it
serpenttyne: alright then dont bitch at me as to why i dont like you in that way
BlackJetforever: I didn't bitch to you, I watned to know why, and if you had just said "There was nothing there" then it would have been fine. But you insulted me instead.
serpenttyne: i sai there wasnt anything there and i told u everything that was on my mind
serpenttyne: i told u awhile ago i speak my mind
BlackJetforever: fine, wanna know what was on my mind? Your boring, you think your way better then everyone else, you didn't even TRY to make a conversation work. It was basicly me talking to you the entire time getting no response. (Plus you think your the queen of the world! Look at me! I'm better then everyone! La de da! Drinkin my 20 dollar latte that I can finish in one gulp! I'm da shit and every guy wants it!)
serpenttyne: ok
serpenttyne: your opinion
serpenttyne: but i was boring because u were boring me
BlackJetforever: Right.. I see where this is going. No matter what the arguement your right in your head. Nothing is ever your fault, its always someone elses (Mainly your moms for letting your dad fuck her with out protection!)
serpenttyne: no it sometimes is
serpenttyne: but in this case there was nothing to talk about so i didnt talk
BlackJetforever: Fine, what ever. I don't care. Obviously you are superior to me in everyway possible, everything you say is interesting and charismatic, you dress great, your going great places in your life. Your perfect. Why did I ever think a lowly maggot like myself could ever hold a converastion with you let alone a date. I mean I'm just not worthy!
serpenttyne: im not that charismatic ...i cant afford the clothes i want.....i dont really know where im going exactly.....but i need a man not a boy
BlackJetforever: We are 19 god damn it, not even legal to drink! If you want a REAL fuckin man go date a 28 year old! (or give some of those 54 old farts that keep e-mailing you about how much they want to give you a "ride")
BlackJetforever: Rush rush rush to be an adult, why not stop and live life a little for fuckin christ sakes
BlackJetforever: well gee, that sucks for you now doesn't it? (Nyah nyah, I've got it better then you! Nyah nyah!)
serpenttyne: and i live my life to what i see is right for me...but spending money on transformers is a rather sad way to do the moneyt and travel the money and get your own insurance so u can get your liscense already
serpenttyne: i have a car i have school i have fantastic parents and i have really good friends that cheer me up when im sad and take me with all my crap.......and i can cry
BlackJetforever: LOL! Oh man, I'm so envious! Lord o lordy why can't I have your life! Why can't I cry like you?! Oh god please save me!
serpenttyne: u are so lost
BlackJetforever: I'm glad you can cry, that way I can see you cry when you realize what an arrogent prick your being. (I actualy should have put this: I'm glad you can cry, that way I can see your tears as some old hobo fag rams his cock up your ass while you paint a picture about how sad you are cuz of it, you fuckin ugly dog)
serpenttyne: i tried to be nice u fouight with me i lost my fucking temper....
BlackJetforever: and you insulted me about being an immature little boy, I lost my temper (and my attention span for this kind of shit)
serpenttyne: i also dont treat my mother like a slave
serpenttyne: which is what is sounded like over the phone
BlackJetforever: and you wonder why you haven't had a boyfriend in so long....... (Their all afraid that youve got razors in your sandy vagina)
serpenttyne: because i havent gone out i have to much to do in school
BlackJetforever: This is over, later.
So there ya go. The terrible, awfull, no good, very bad date.