You're Arcuied!
You are one of the Shinso, the true ancestors. Even
though you are a vampire, you can walk in the
sun and eat food. You hate blood because you
afraid of loosing control of your vampric
nature and becoming a bloodthirsty monster.
Even with these tendencies of a loner, you have
learned to become involved with other people.
Which MeltyBlood Character are you? brought to you by
Quizilla Hmmm.. so what to update everyone on.. Well, I've been collecting transformers lately.. soon as all the packages get in it'll be a mighty impressive collection. And it all started when Hatori and I went into wall-mart and there I saw Rodimus... One of my fave autobots... and something snapped.. the collector, the kid, the geek.. I dunno, maybe all 3 of them inside me woke up and said "BAM! There be somethin ye be wantin ta do" Ok maybe there wasn't a pirate accent, but everything sounds better coming from a pirate, right? Or the god of death.
Working alot, yahoo... Monday and Tuesday are my weekends and I'm starting to hate it.. I'm gonna try and switch this up a bit cuz now my weekends are 5-10..... that leaves me with shit to do really.
Talking to this girl who lives in dracut, but is goin to college in boston. We haven't met yet, but from the several 4 hour conversations we've had on the phone, we seem to be hitting it off. She kind of reminds me of Kristen, but with out the bitchy shit, more interests that I enjoy, and a much cuter attitude... ok maybe she doesn't remind me of kristen!
New vampire game is starting pretty soon, I'm playing a Lasombra elder with fortiude 8 =D No bashing damage allllllriiiighttt!
I got my first migrian attack last weekend.... OMG did it hurt. I thought I was gonna pass out from pain it was so bad. Also had some emotional fits right before it came on.. It was like my brain couldn't take all the bottled up emotions and exploded, ripping my skull apart. On a plus side, I finaly cried... though I'm not sure if that counts.
Also I'm sick right now, got a cold. Sneezing, stuffy nose, mucas its all there. Yuck. Still gotta work though. Yep. Laterz