Jun 30, 2008 18:57


I know, I spends months silent and then appear a burst of Meggish fury spouting divine nonsense upon the world. I would be the best prophet ever.


For the unspoiled and therefore blissfully ignorant, regarding the last 57 seconds of the show...




Okay. I am not the most die-hard fan in the world, as I have not seen the old series, but have been passionate about it since its revival. Personally, Christopher Eccleston will always be *my* Doctor, but 9 was rugged and fresh from a war, and while that worked at the time to reintroduce the story and have him tougher and mysterious and a little shell-shocked, you don't want the Doctor to look like he could kick the shit out of you if he really wanted to. So while 9 will always be my baby, for love of CE and his beautiful eyes and accent and rougher portrayal, I do in fact think that David Tennant, as 10, is closer to the quirky thrilling heroics of the character. Though 9 is *my* Doctor, 10 is *the* Doctor. I cannot think of a better person to play the character.

And I know David Tennant has gone through THREE FLIPPING SEASONS of a show that is notorious for zapping people dry, and even his "I NEVER SLEEP" manic grin belies it, I'm sure he needs down time. I mean, Chris Eccleston ultimately had to quit because he was running on fumes, working 14 hours a day, to say nothing of travel time and sleep. Tennant evidently had more zany energy to go three seasons, but even he needed a break, hence the gap in seasons 3 and 4.

Though I know it's a huge financial thing and they'll never let him do another break, I would rather keep him and do another gap than trade to the people they're talking about!!

Well, that's not true. Wait, yes, that is true, but I'm only mean to one of the options; the others are okay but not better than Tennant. Um. I WANT DAVID TENNANT TO STAY. HE IS THE DOCTOR. And seriously, the forerunner of our rumored choices displeases me in a way that makes me make a big Meggish frowny face of 8C.

Okay. There's a long list of rumors, but the only ones that have actually involved auditions (barring Harry Lloyd, Son of Mine in "Family of Blood," who, for all that this show loves recycling the same actor in different roles, is simply too young because we know Future!Companion said the Doctor was older) and are credible. Or, at least, on the websites I read.

Now, let us begin with our current Doctor, David Tennant.

Adorable. Quirky. Passionate. Nerdy. I seriously cannot think of someone to top him, and he's not even MY Doctor.

The guy they are talking the most about becoming Eleven is this guy, James Nesbitt.

He freaks me out.

The only thing I've ever done seen him in is "Waking Ned Devine," but even if he's a cool actor, WTF! He looks like he belongs on the friggin' Sopranos! I spend at least 40 minutes of every day plotting out how I could have Michael Emerson (
)'s baby, so I feel it should somehow count when I say physically this man squicks me like whoa. I just feel like he'd smell of hair oil and garlic. SOMEONE please tell me this guy is awesome, because right now he is to me the most depressing option, even though evidently the most likely, as he's superclose with Moffat, who's taking over from Russel T. Davies, and starred in Moffat's "Jekyll." :'(

Our next candidate, in order of likelihood, is Robert Carlyle.

I like Robert Carlyle. A lot. I think he'd be a really nerdy quick animated fun Doctor. He can do sinister or he can do adorable. I feel like the Doctor takes a wide range of emotions, even if they change at the speed of light. Like David Tennant, I feel he could be up for the manic energy. He's also, as was hinted, older, whih gives him credibility. 'Course, he's a *tiny* thing, but who knows, it might be precious.

Last of who I think is credible on the long list is Michael Sheen, also preferable to James Nesbitt. Sheen is younger, like Tennant, which hurts the credibility, but he can be sweet and dorky or sexy skerry (sic, yes, but that's how I pronounce that word). He ties with Carlyle for my choice, and is closest to Tennant in age and facial features, and while lack-of-change comforts me because I like Geeky!Doctor, the writers are rumored to want a more mature, throwback Doctor.

Personally, I was rooting David Bowie for Eleven, but whatevs. (Or, you know, my friend Katie C.)

So tell me, fans, what you think. Comfort me with good word of Nesbitt, who is looking ever more likely as he looks more and more like he's gonna have me sleep with the fishes. Join me in being lovingly aggravated-as-shit with David Tennant for leaving my ass at the altar of finally getting a Rose-smooch. >:




The end.

rant, doctor who

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