
Jul 12, 2015 22:22

Satoru Iwata died.

Christopher Lee died

Kind of really bummed about that.

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Comments 4

lady_teazle July 13 2015, 20:02:31 UTC
I can't say much about Iwata, as I am not a gamer, but he was obviously a talented guy. And died in much the same way as Jobs, it seems. :(

Not Montalban - he died in 2009 - but Omar Sharif, aka Dr. Zhivago. I must see that again, I remember it only vaguely from my teenage years in the Cretaceous.

He was also in Lawrence of Arabia. And a really nice recent film in the last 10-15 years called Dr. Ibrahim.



blackjedii July 13 2015, 20:05:43 UTC
The difference between Jobs and Iwata tho is that Jobs was a horrible person (like horrible) whereas Iwata was... genuine. And an amazingly skilled programmer which is itself fantastic bc you don't often hear about programmers rising to the top.

OH NUTS you know who I was thinking of Christopher Lee. Montalban died around the same time as Patrick McGoohan and... I think Bea Arther? Shows you how organized my life has been


lady_teazle July 14 2015, 01:02:57 UTC
Oop, I should've realized. Yes, Christopher Lee. Boo. I thought he was going to stick around longer, but all those evil parts took their toll. :p I'm just glad he made it to the end of the Ring stories, even if Jackson did royally bollocks up The Hobbit with that unnecessary Battle of the CGI Armies.


blackjedii July 14 2015, 01:32:20 UTC
Well admittedly he kind of ran out of things to do in his life I guess. Fought Nazis, was probably one of the inspirations for James Bond, world-class fencing, horror movies, nerd movies, heavy metal albums....

I am just crossing my fingers that we suddenly don't lose Ian McKellan or Patrick Stewart too. Bad things come in threes and I don't think Leonar Nemoy counts given he was a while ago.

I stil haven't seen The Hobbit. I refuse to tbqh because I can't see how they stretched it into three movies.


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