(no subject)

May 08, 2014 21:47

I talked to my mother last night and basically said that my dog either had a few weeks or not but that something wasn't right. She agreed to take her to the vet today.

The vet diagnosed her with cancer of some sort and that she'd blown out a section of her vertebrae which meant she couldn't walk properly. She'd probably been hiding her illness for some time as best she could. It's only in the past two weeks that she's really started to decline severely and lose awareness, which was what was really tipping me off that something was very wrong. She wasn't in severe pain that I could tell and she hadn't lost control of her faculties either. She could be perky throughout the day so I know she wasn't miserable. This morning as I left she was wagging her tail and watching me.

My mother went ahead and let the vet put her to sleep which was the right decision. They told me about it tonight so that I wouldn't be a mess at work.

Right now I'm in the acceptance part of it but I don't know if it's because I knew this was coming and have been preparing myself for months or if it's just that it hasn't hit me yet that my pet for half of my life (more than half) isn't here anymore.

On top of that my uncle died today as well. i only got to meet him sporadically and the last time was probably close to ten years ago. My parents have to attend the funeral which means I'm going to be watching the remaining dogs throughout the weekend.

I don't really want hugs or words of encouragement or anything really. I really, really do not want people to tell me how sorry they are about the above. I just need to work it out.
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