Feedback Post

May 05, 2009 00:28

Here's where you say what a great seller I am. Or not so great. Or if there was a problem that was out of both of our hands (ie, post office screwing up). Or anything regarding the actual sale and exchange of money/items.

Pictures of your new stuff are greatly appreciated! Also, if you came here via pkmncollectors, don't forget to fill out my feedback there, or here, on the alternate site!

Banned Users
heenz--two months went by and never recieved payment, refusal to reply to reminders
kurokitten87--Asked for total, then never replied again even after several months
thunderwolfcat--Asked for total, then never replied again even after several months--REPEAT OFFENDER
birdthecat--Asked for total, then never replied again, reminded several times over several months
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