Wait, what? ICONS?
I don't know anyone who's actually played Portal. But on the other hand, I don't know anyone who doesn't know this song.
I wanted to add "...that's not a good prize," but I'd have to break the line up and it would ruin the timing of reading it.
And some with the help and input of the folks at
I plan on making more with that caption.
So! ChibiChibiCon this weekend! But it seems there won't be a fanfic contest since they couldn't find a judge. Oh well, always next con! Anyway,
ketsuban and I are going up and we'll stay with
genechildmewtwo and
darkain and all go in together. That will be awesome.
I was considering not bringing any costumes, but then I realized that the tear in my Oikawa trenchcoat is really small, and no one's going to know who I am *anyway* so they won't care if the last buckle is undone.
Anyway! I bring hilarity in the form of IM conversations. One with
flagellantket and one with an idiot.
[02:29] Idiot: hi
[02:29] Idiot: how are you doing?
[02:29] Idiot: are you there?
[02:29] cammycommando: um, hello. Who's this?
[02:29] cammycommando: dude, you didn't even give me ten seconds to reply
[02:30] Idiot: i am (Idiot)
[02:30] Idiot: oh sorry
[02:30] Idiot: just want to be with you ok
[02:30] cammycommando: that's kinda creepy. I don't know you
[02:30] Idiot: never mind we can be best of friends
[02:31] cammycommando: not with an intro like that
[02:31] Idiot: why
[02:31] cammycommando: you IM me out of the blue and tell me you "just want to be with me"?
[02:31] Idiot: we can do the intro now
[02:31] Idiot: ok
[02:31] Idiot: sorry
[02:31] Idiot: abouit that
[02:32] Idiot: i am (Idiot IdiotLastName)
[02:32] Idiot: i am from unitedt state but leave and work in uk
[02:32] Idiot: and you?
[02:33] Idiot: are you there?
[02:33] cammycommando: dude, again you're not waiting long for a reply
[02:33] cammycommando: what's your interest in me?
[02:33] Idiot: want to be a friend of yours
[02:34] cammycommando: but WHY?
[02:34] Idiot: that i dont know for now may be is nature
[02:35] cammycommando: uhhuh. How did you find me?
[02:36] Idiot: i got you from yahoo group
[02:36] cammycommando: oh yes, we spoke before, and you didn't say *which* Yahoo group
[02:36] Idiot: i just need some one very good that can make me happy again
[02:37] Idiot: yes
[02:37] Idiot: that is member yahoo group
[02:37] cammycommando: which one? I'm in several!
[02:38] Idiot: i can get it now
[02:38] Idiot: i just know that i find you and you are very important not the group to me
[02:39] cammycommando: what sets me apart?
[02:39] Idiot: how?
[02:39] cammycommando: why did you message me and not anyone else from the list?
[02:40] Idiot: some thing in me tells me that you can make me happy
[02:41] cammycommando: in what way?
[02:41] Idiot: coming close to you
[02:41] Idiot: may be as i said before is nature
[02:42] cammycommando: what drew you to me?
[02:43] Idiot: may be your name
[02:43] cammycommando: yeah? You like Cammy?
[02:43] Idiot: yes
[02:43] Idiot: a lovell name
[02:44] cammycommando: yes it is. Do you like the character?
[02:44] Idiot: very much
[02:45] Idiot: that was the first thing taht made me to contact you
[02:45] cammycommando: I'm really nothing like her, you realize
[02:45] Idiot: like who
[02:45] cammycommando: you just said you liked the character
[02:46] cammycommando: ergo, I was saying I'm nothing like her.
[02:46] Idiot: yes
[02:46] Idiot: then like who?
[02:46] cammycommando: Like the character! Who we were just talking about!
[02:47] Idiot: but you are the ower of the character?
[02:47] cammycommando: um, no
[02:47] Idiot: can i see your cam/
[02:47] Idiot: ?
[02:47] cammycommando: ok fine. Who's the character if you like her so much? And I don't have a cam
[02:48] Idiot: you of course
[02:48] cammycommando: Um, no.
[02:48] cammycommando: I got my name from a fictional character.
[02:49] Idiot: why/
[02:49] cammycommando: because she's cool
[02:49] Idiot: but yoiu bear it when i saw it
[02:49] cammycommando: yes, but I didn't invent the name or the character
[02:50] Idiot: but i know you first
[02:51] cammycommando: why did you say you liked the character if you don't know who the character is?
[02:51] Idiot: that i can say
[02:51] Idiot: but i will love to know you better m that this
[02:52] cammycommando: why?
[02:52] Idiot: that i can say
[02:53] cammycommando: you can or you can't?
[02:53] Idiot: i can"t
[02:55] Idiot: so talk to me
[02:56] cammycommando: what about?
And then he stopped talking. That was about half an hour ago. For someone who demanded to know if I was there after a few *seconds*...yeah.
Anyway, a much better conversation! For it, you should know that Bashou and Sephiroth have the same Japanese VA (And...um...Oikawa. But that's beside the point).
[02:33] cammycommando: "Say something about your mother." "...why?" "Just do it." "Fine. I hated my mother. I thought she was an airheaded bitch." "...dammit, you're doing it wrong!"
[02:33] viridianheart: *Laughs*
[02:34] cammycommando: "Say that you'll never be a memory." "Well, I don't plan on being forgotten, but you knew that." "Say it, dammit!"
[02:34] viridianheart: "I don't know what this new fetish of yours is, but I'm not indulging it."
[02:35] cammycommando: "So...your hair...how long would it be if you brushed it down straight?" "...Is this going to end with you suggesting a dress?" "No, a trenchcoat!"
[02:35] viridianheart: *laughs*
[02:36] viridianheart: "Call me a puppet." "...what?"
[02:39] cammycommando: "Ok, take this rubber prop sword..." "Uhhuh..." "And make like you're running through that new brunette chick in Aquisitions!" "Are you fucking INSANE?" "Well, I want to be fucking *something*..."
[02:41] viridianheart: *laughs*
[02:41] viridianheart: "Okay, how 'bout we just stick a wig on Mondo and you can act like you're running him through instead?" "I told you, we're not letting the boy into the bedroom!"
[02:42] cammycommando: "He wouldn't be a part of *that*. Just an extra!" "Your sexual fantasies involve extras now?"
[02:43] viridianheart: "They would also involve a film crew if you'd let me bring a camera!"
Anyway, in more stupid people news, I posted my running summary of the 10th movie on Serebii, and immediately I get attacked! Why? Because I *dared* to comment on the captions! Starting with that one moron from Bulba who posted about why he thought I was a terrible mod (remember that from November?), people started tearing into me just because I mentioned the captions! I mean what? They're a part of the movie too! Just because they're optional doesn't mean they're off-limits!
I wish I could reach through the screen and smack people some times.
Anyway, I'll see you all after the con!