May 28, 2007 20:02
And now it's time for the annual Anime North posting. This con was fun. Not as fun as others, but better than some others too. Now, I'll start off by apologising to everyone for being a bitch during most of it. There are a LOT of reasons why. I also want to thank Angie for getting me through the week before, and Rob for helping out the night before and helping around the house too. MUCHLY appreciated. Actually, major thanks to Rob on a lot of things, I really owe you hun.
So, let's start a few days before the con. I'm going crazy because things don't look like they're going to get done in time, and so it's self pressure. I deal well with it, I think. It's when there's pressure from OTHER people that I lose it. Like when I found out we're having a third car driving when it's completely redundant. Never did find out WHY Green and Gram insisted on driving there themselves. Whatever. That kind of irked me to start. Then, after organizing rooms and asking people who they did and did not want to room with, adhearing to everyone's wishes who responded, I found out that Green wanted to switch rooms for reasons I find out now, that were a half truth. Still, at the time, this is putting more pressure on me than I need. I talked to my dad Sunday night and we realized something- when we make plans, we do NOT deal well with having someone else throw a wrench in them. It's just our way. So that's my pre con pressure.
Thursday: Went to bed late, drove angie to work, couldn't sleep so I stayed up until I had to go to work. Gave up on Asuka. Worked. Went to the pre reg party with Angie and Rob, chilled in line, saw Johnny who seemed sort of out of it (and maybe it was just me, but he seemed that way ALL weekend. Again, that might have just been to me for reasons that sort of make sense in my head... maybe. Lol), and that was it. Reg'd for the Masquerade. Went home, ordered chinese, then went for the midnight showing of Pirates 3. Oh my god- LOVE. For one- midnight showings are AWESOME. The crowd is absolutely HILARIOUS. We made friends with the guys next to us, I saw Krys from work, and Kat from Angie's store. So that was good times. Good movie. Progressed to stay up all night sewing. Angie and Rob both slept for some time. I didn't. Ew.
Friday- More sewing, as I didn't sleep. Some cooking, some cleaning, and packing. Dashed out to run errands and pick up brother from school. Left eventually, way too early mind you. Picked up Tracy, Rob went his own way. Then went and signed into hotel. Got food, eventually got changed for Lunar shoot. Was running late, ran into Chibi and her bf (our Fresca and Tempest), eventually found Jenn (Luna), and waited around. Angie was Jean, I was Lucia. Eventually had Mel show for Jessica and her friend as Mia. Still missing two people (Mark and another Jenn), but did some photos anyways. Yay! So went well. Ran around with Angie for a bit, then I went to cosplay chess. Ran into G, Z and Danica briefly there, happy to see them. Played chess. Light side won! Yay!! Talked with Brita and John for a bit there, good times. Eventually realized I had people calling me non stop, which was getting frustrating (I figured out I often do my own thing at cons. I don't know why. Night time, I like doing things with people, but that's it). So that finished, and I go into line to watch skit competition (after changing, wigs drive me crazy). Chill, watched Mel's skit which made me laugh really hard. Watched Heather/Mark/Johnny/All of them, bloody amazing job, very muchly impressed. Think Ange and I figured we want to do one next year, but we'll see about that, especially since we've been saying that for maybe 2 years now, lol. Not sure when, but I know I flipped out on Green sometime on Friday too. Mostly because when I'm stressed, you don't tell me to calm down. Actually, mostly you just don't tell me what to do. As much as you're trying to help, it's easier just to let it run it's course. When stressed, I'm like a storm- stay the fuck away. Pretty much. So yeah, went back after wards, went with Angie to Chris' hotel room, hung out with him and his Jenn for a bit, Otaking and his friends came over too. Did get quite drunk, but whatever. Got sick, been awhile since that happened. Still remember most of that night though, which makes me laugh. Gracias to Chris, Green and Heather for taking care of me. Passed out.
Saturday: Feeling better, ate a bagel for breakfast cause I needed something to ease my stomach (lol). Wandered dealers room for a bit, ran into friends along the way. Ran back to room, changed for masq, had to ditch wig as colour was doing bad things for me. Heather- muchos gracias for helping with my hair! Ran to green room, saw Chris again in there, met up with Otaking and crew as well, good times. Enjoyed my den, ran into Chloe who looked absolutely fab-tastic in her Yuuko costume. Had good times with people in my den. So did that jazz, had my necklace break one entry before I went onstage. Fixed quickly with a bobby pin. Did my thing, bout all. Think I lost my chains sometime after this, don't know how. Depressing. Watched rest of masq, enjoyed it. Went back to room, changed, got stuff from Shawn from Lyssi (nominoichi things- many thanks again!! I really owe you guys). Had some drama goin' on, was going to go to the j-pop dance, didn't. Kinda wish I had gone to the masqerade ball, but at the same satisfied I didn't. Instead, went to the late night 404s show with Angie, Tracy, Green, Wayne and Chris Nagy. Muchos fun there. Stayed up trying to help Green and Angie with Heather's dress. Virtually passing out, so I eventually got my stuff from my room and crashed with them instead.
Sunday: Mad rush to get ready and get out of the room. Stressing mad rush. I think Sunday was over all stressful. Plus more drama stuff. Did fashion show. Fun, I think we all looked pretty :) Need to do the sins again. So much more fun as a group. Did some shopping. Eventually left. Think I managed to piss off Green and Rob by the end of the day, perhaps Heather too, but not as much. Realized everything can be solved by pulling out a Gundam boy out of a purse. Lol. Dropped off Tracy at home, went back, cleaned, picked up Harveys for dinner, Ange got picked up, then I went and got dad.
I didn't actually do a lot this AN, which sort of disappoints me. I don't know where I was for most of it. Actually, either watching or participating in competitions it seems. Stupid idea, probably, as it took up most of my time, although quite fun. Came out with 9 mangas, a spin ring, a tshirt that has a giant heat on it (and it glows in the dark, and when it does it reads "If you can read this then it's dark and you should kiss me"), a garment bag for Vanity, annnd... I think that's it. Oddly enough. I didn't spend much time in dealers room or Artist Alley.
I think, next year, I have to go back to organizing small groups. I can do the pre reg, that never causes me much stress, but hotels does. More than anything. No offense boys and anyone else, I might just go back to having one girls room. I'll keep you updated, but seriously- this weekend reminded me WHY I did only one room last year. Two is too much of a hassle. I have no idea in HELL how anyone manages 3 or more and keeps their sanity. Unless they share the work. I mean, I did partially with Angie, but even then, it was just making sure all money when to her, I still more or less kept track of who owed what, and everything else. I'm also really bad at sharing work. I have this thing where more often than not, I don't actually believe the other person will put in equal effort. It's something from baseball I picked up- assume the other person will NOT do the work, that way you're ready for anything. That and the one time I tried to split up the work between myself and another, it didn't work that well. Resorted to many arguements and more stress.
Also, I'm going to redo how I dress for these weekends. I think Fridays and Sundays will be reserved for stuff that I've made that's not necessarily cosplaying. I'll have one show piece with me to enter in something, and then a day costume for Saturday that makes me look good or that is impressive. Yes, I'm pretty fucking vain when it comes down to these things, so sue me. Anyways, that's what it's looking like. Next year, I think I'm going to do another ballgown and actually go to the masquerade ball. I'm debating on using another piece of artwork by Blackeri or designing something else myself. We'll see. Or if anyone else has an artist in mind that does some really pretty work, then show me a link or something, and I'll see if I can find anything.
So basically, this weekend was mostly drama and stress. Plus some really stupid stuff that I knew would be over once the weekend was over. Which it is. So I can let life go back to how it is normally. Thank god. I'll still be going to Anime North. Currently, I'm thinking I'll do AN, Ad Astra, and perhaps Fan Expo for the Saturday if I can (just the saturday so I can shop and see the masq). Once I fix up Kirstyn's dress and finish Hayley's prom dress, I'm going to start sewing some things for myself. See where that goes, you know? So we'll see. That's about all. I love conventions. I really do. I love the feel of them. The freedom. The fun. What depresses me is the next good con I'm going to won't be for another 10 months (Ad Astra). I'm not bothering with the TACs anymore. And I don't exactly have the money to do any US cons right now. NAF was a waste of time for me last year. GCAF isn't really around anymore. Debating on going to Polaris for a day, but that's mega expensive. Still might. But that's it, really. So we'll see if I can't find anything else.
Anyways, much love! <3 If you have a problem with me regarding how I was this past weekend, bring it up to me, I'm more than willing to talk about it. Which reminds me- Mark, were you mad at me on Friday? Cause Ange and I could've sworn we saw like, death glare coming from you at one point towards me, kinda scary. Anyways. Again. If you have issues, talk to me. I'm going to attempt to stop being such a hermit as I have been lately. We'll see how that one goes. Love!
anime north