Sep 26, 2009 21:50
So today i realized i really need to keep up with my LJ more, so this is what is new with me, AJ is going to be going to Australia in January and sadly i will not be able to go with him b/c i wont have the money damn my truck i realized it sucks up at least 800 bucks a month to have if you add up my car payment, insurance and gas and then just divide up oil changes and new tires and windshield wipers and stuff threw out the year, this is so the reason i never wanted to drive or get a car in the first place!
so AJ is going to be gone for a year and i think my plan is to get a new job i applied at the new costco that is opening up in Hemet and i would start out at 9 and have the potential to cap out at 19.50 im just waiting for the call back i had my interview this last Thursday but it was more of a group thing and they said they would be calling to book individuals...and im awesome so they should and b/c i really really really want it, i haven't had a real job since i quite that dump Harkins (side note i miss working with about 10 people there) oh so an i have been taking classes to be certified as a personal trainer i think i want to be like a dietitian as well and just get really really buff and call guys "girly men" so back to the main topic my course will be over with OCT17th and then i will take my test on OCT24th then i just have to do a 30 hour internship at a local gym and i get my certificate and i think ill charge people like $25 an hour for the personal training which is so cheap considering at places like LA Fitness perople pay $30-$50 for a thirty min session with a trainer that usally sucks and ill be so awesome!
so if i get the job at winco and work full time at $9 an hour to start and then do my personal Training on the side, oh wait my plan is to get ride of my truck either sell it back and pay the difference and call it a loss and work towards better financial freedom or find someone to take over the truck for me which would be a good deal b/c i only owe 17,000 on it, it runs great and everything its an 07 toyota tacoma but the payments are 456 a month and with that alone its killing me to same money the way i used to, i hate my dad! in the end its my fault b/c i signed the contract but he is the one who worked out the deal how could he do that to like the greatest son ever...whatever he sucks...
so with the truck out of my way ill have all my bills paid off i could save money like super crazy fast, maybe visit AJ in Australia like in march or April, then in July when he comes back for the 4th to visit i would have the money to enroll in the program and then leave with him for the last 60months in Australia,
but this is all very tentative b/c one i need cosco to hire me, two i need to pass my PT course and three i need to get rid of my truck, and four AJ needs to stay with my and not want to break up which he said he wants to do when he goes in January and if i dont go with him at the time, b/c he wants to go with me but if im not there then he just wants to be able to have fun b/c he wont see me for like 6months and he will miss me and just want to come home...but i say thats bull shit its our two year anniversary nov 3rd (and in gay years thats equivalent to 15 straight years) but he lives in the now and im the one that thinks about tomorrow blah blah blah, oh but back to me bashing his ass, so yeah i just think thats fucked up b/c if your going to break up with me just b/c your going on a trip(be it a long one and far) in January, why the fuck dont we just break up now? and so i dont know maybe we will still be together and he can do his thing for 6months and i can do mine and then when he comes back we just dont ask dont tell and pick up from where we left off, which sounds a little crazy but i really wouldnt mind as long as when he gets back we would be back together, im so stupid for letting myself love him too much, and yes you can love too much...but back to the matter that is what is going on with me;)
how you doing?