May 30, 2004 12:30
Wow... okay so i havnt updated this thing in a looooong time.. haha sorry i forgt.. thanks Lissie for reminding me! lol yea.. sooooooo.. the other night me and Sabrina went to the golf coarse... fun fun... until her mom called mine and we got busted! ahh it was bad.. i came home soooo sick and like ralphed on the wall and shit.. yea long story... haha but yea oh well... im not introuble or anything... so its fine.. yesterday i had a REALLY bad hang over thuogh.. it was terrible.. anyway... im glad there is no school tommarow.. thats tight.. on wednesday im gonna go to graduation with Grace Neal!.... it'll probably be really long and kinda boring but oooooooh well.... yea im excited school is like out... anyway im gonna go.. see ya.. -buff