Lol!page is lol.
So yesterday (instead of being all productive and stuff), I built a mashed potato castle with Rachel to protect her chicken :D After the chicken was eaten, it swiftly turned into a pirate ship, with water made of bad cake and mushroom fishies and caper pirates. The captain had a hat! USS Guttership is set for sail!
If there are two things that get my various muses going, it's Saturday Morning Early Shift and Lady Gaga. I am bursting with ideas, and I'm fairly sure none of them will get done.
Why that woman uses 70's camera techniques, I'll never know. Those little interludes two-thirds in, too. Also, the fact that she's passing herself off as a converted space slave points towards serious mental conditions on your part.
Shut up.
Oh, and
bribitribbit looks good with a mustache. <3