Jan 12, 2009 18:11
These are random thoughts I had earlier tonight.
The way I see alternative healthcare and modalities such as Chinese Medicine is this:
People didn't know about specific biology & anatomy. They didn't have microscopes etc in these cultures and ancient societies, so they devised their medicine based on a spiritual abstract systems. And I am guessing because of cause & effect, these things worked and they used these systems (example: meridians, ying yang, five elements) to explain these outcomes. I do think that a persons spiritual and emotional health does affect his physical health, its all connected but this is besides the point Now in the 21st century, we are prejudiced to use or explore those methods because of the lack of "science" based thought behind those systems, BUT that doesn't mean they dont work or they don't have validity on being good medicine. It just means we don't yet understand them scientifically. These individual therapies are worth investigating, especially if you are aware of the results in case studies etc.
My theory is that they must have done "experiments" in that time period to find out that things like herbs, massage and deep breathing did work..which could be considered scientific methods IMHO. Its just how they explained them was rooted to spiritual thoughts. Look at some drugs today. They don't know exactly why they work, just that they DO seem to take away the symptoms.
So called "Western" medicine definitely has its place. But currently, it is so riddled with money grubbing drug companies who are essentially selling you products that are approved by the FDA, made of designed & synthesized chemicals, a "fix" symptoms pill- mostly backed up by greed. Add to this happiness- hoty doctors (not all doctors, but plenty) who think they know everything there possibly is to know about our bodies- the ones who think they have nothing to learn. They basically are God- Life givers & rulers of peoples health. The opinion that they are Gods is slowly changing- more and more people are taking responsibility for their health, taking their health care seriously and gaining more knowledge about their bodies and all their health care options.
Don't get me wrong, I am not against taking every medication prescribed by a doctor. But, how great it would be if we discovered that things already growing in nature, and simple but reliable therapies were just as good if not better (less/no side effects & fixing the disease, not just the symptom) for preventing and curing disease.