Dec 10, 2013 16:40
When it becomes obvious you're irrelevant
a wedding cake top tossed aside while the rest gets bitten into
blood curls in your body petrifying everything in it's wake limb by limb, joint by joint
days get darker and it's not out of winter weather or waning months of light
it's duty and discourse turned into chaffed fingers and sleepless nights
there's no levity to reaction around you and the world swishes by one day into the next
No one turns around on me, and I, in turn, turn for no one
There's little relief in the quiet that's got me second guessing my place
Time undermines an elegant distance and distraction
I wither and bend down toward earth
struggling not to waft away from the sanity of my roots
when winter's over I'll be kindling in the sweet summer air
Paying homage to any heat that's left once I'm gone
smothering soot as I burn out, burn in
tainted twigs and charred paper waiting besides
smoke to signal all my alienation
as inviting as it was
as inticing as it is
as beautiful as it will be