Top Ten Bromances - #9 Spartacus & Crixus

Mar 23, 2011 01:34

There are nine days left until reikoyazumi 's birthday so that means another top 'bromance' has to be revealed...

This list is by no means definitive and is more than likely affected by blank spaces in my memory and/or my entirely predictable taste. For this I make no apologies.

So muscling their way in at number 9 are a pair of gladiators who were at odds with each other from the moment they met, so naturally their chemistry was phenomenal and I'm sure tongues in the ludas were wagging. Spartacus: Blood And Sand had so many offerings in the bromance department that I couldn't not include it, but choosing one was a lot easier than I first expected! The relationship between Spartacus and Crixus  evolved brilliantly and (as the pictures below show), the beginnings were nicely mirrored at the end. I felt a ridiculous amount of joy when Crixus finally drummed his fingers against that shield in the fateful finale and everything suddenly fell into place...

Memorable moments...

Spartacus: Glory?
Crixus: There is no greater thing than standing victorious in the arena.
Spartacus: Is there no purpose... beyond the blood? No dream beyond the cheering crowd? Is there nothing else you fight for?

Spartacus: I no longer concern myself with thoughts beyond these walls.
Crixus: And nor should you. A true champion dreams only of the arena.
Spartacus: And what does one dream of when he's no longer a champion?
Crixus: Regaining the title from the thief who stole it from me.

I could pick out memorable quotes and pretty pictures of these two all night, indeed in the making of this I realised just how fantastic they really are and that perhaps I have underrated them. Then again, this is one helluva competitive list, plenty more epic bromance to come!

Caps by rawr_caps

character: spartacus, character: crixus, top ten bromances, bromance, fandom: spartacus blood and sand, art: mini picspam

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