Oct 19, 2004 11:57
Okaaay..Updates. Since I got yelled at..
Mm. Welp.. I think the last time I updated I had written Richard his Dear John...(I just typed dead john... hMmm) BuT.. So I got.. a return letter..
It said:
"Amy, I've never hated anyone in my entire life as much as I hate you..Find yourself? Love yourself? Fuck you bitch!"
hah.. sooo.. It went on for about 2 pages like that, then...he decided that since we weren't together anymore might as well let go of some things? He just confirmed that I thought he cheated on me... Not with the girl I thought..but not better in any way either. Dunno. I don't feel anything about him anymore... even if I feel bad about, not feeling bad? That goes away in about 2.5 seconds...and I just go back to disliking Richard some more.
So.. after he got everything off his chest that we were broken up for a week so he didn't really cheat on me.. pff...gaygay. Mmpf. So yeah, after that, he proceeded the last page and a half apologising for the first half of the letter, though most common sensed people wouldn't send that type of a letter to begin with....He told me how much he loved me and was still in love with me..for me to write him back.. blahblah. fuck..that bullshiT.. heh.
So now, I'm sitting on my lunch at work... eatting a salad...n some tea.. cos its colD..
Yesterday though.. Becky n I went over to the humane society to go pick out a kitten for my mum... it took two hours..lksadfalk...but in the end.. we got this really fuzzy kitten named Hazel...shes got a bunch of personality.. mum'll love her.. so we have to take it over to her tonite after becky gets out of work... mum doesn't know though either... so.. we dunno how shes going to react.. i think she wanted one...
Other than that I don't know what to write about.. I don't do anything.....My life is not exciting whatsoever... but I love it this way..bwahAh..
Anyhow.. need to go have a cigarette before going back to work...