Dog Breed Theme

Feb 07, 2012 13:22



Ladies, gentlemen, allow me to present to you ...
POSITIVE TRAITS: Can appear how I want to, loyal to friends/what family I have left, playful, creative, independent, curiosity driven, resourceful, intuitive, observant, outspoken, like to think I have a good sense of humor

NEGATIVE TRAITS: Stubborn, proud, undisciplined, mercurial, obsessive, sarcastic, not always patient, not always honest, playfulness sometimes gets me in trouble, avoidant of anything dealing with emotions -- except with friends, then I'm pretty persistent, some might say paranoid

Describe your personality (how you see yourself), feel free to use different tests: How I personally see myself probably won't be found in any test. Those tests are interesting because they usually highlight my strengths and weaknesses in ways I generally don't think about, focusing more on the positive. I don't see myself as any different than anybody else, but I've gotten very used to other people not seeing that, so I am willing to stand alone and I can be seen as defiant. But I am very social, grateful and tend to regret every bridge I've ever burned. No matter how logical and inevitable it might seem to others. I am also very ambitious, and rarely do anything without some selfish intent (even selflessness makes you feel good about doing the right thing, I'll admit that). Again though, I think most people are, or should be, or want to be but somewhere along the way got convinced they couldn't, so I'm not sure how helpful that will be in distinguishing me. I don't give up as easily. Part of my ambition is intrinsically connected to my desire to "Play with the big dogs" like everybody else...should be able to get a shot. I have a huge problem with elitism. Be ambitious, be smart, fine, but don't judge the path walked by another.

Describe how (you think) other people see you (strangers, friends, family): Various strangers: Approachable or stand-offish, creative, arrogant and argumentative, lazy or hardworking, young, cute, pretty, odd, or just poorly groomed

Friends: Funny, creative, charming, responsible, all-knowing, all-powerful, friendly to everyone, outspoken, easy to get along with, dependable, doesn't ask for much, if anything, probably should, insecure, generous, thoughtful, blunt, truthful, hard to say "no" to

Family: intelligent, creative, thoughtful, intuitive but naive, liberal and impulsive, independent, irresponsible, overweight, doesn't ask for help, stubborn, ungrateful, mentally retarded, opportunistic, evil, compassionate, generous, capable of making well-thought out decisions, needs to be protected

Name a few of your most distinctive personality traits: creative, white, female, young, things I cannot and make no attempt to hide

What kind of environment and climate do you enjoy most? Mild climate. Active street life.

How do you generally act around people you don't know/are just getting to know? Shy, maybe nervous, curious but suspicious and afraid to overstep my bounds or let them get the wrong impression of me. The more nervous they act, the more I'm nervous and generally just avoid them all-together to avoid the possibility of a scene. The more relaxed and open a person is or willing to pretend to be for that moment, the more I'll come out in turn.

Are you picky when it comes to food? No.

How do respond to authority? Heel, sit, stay, roll over...I'll do whatever is required of me to get them off my back. If they let me do that with any justice served, I may not like their decision but I'll be able to respect them. I respect and relate to what they do sometimes, but I don't feel a need to kowtow to every person with some "claim" to authority. Those who abuse their power get nothing but derision from me.

Life is a series of dogs.


Name a few things you're good at and like to do (swimming, barking, digging, sleeping, eating, keen nose, hunting ...): Swimming, digging, keen nose, hunting, herding cats, I probably don't bark much, save as a warning; playing with people and other dogs, meeting new folk, smiling, tail wagging

Describe your full day as a dog (in as much detail as you wish): Sleep, eat, meet other dogs, play, meet people, play, maybe get in a few fights, maybe hurt them more than intended, escape in fear I'll be put down (although as a dog I probably wouldn't be aware of that, barring some experiences I might understand to avoid the pound/vet/shelters as "dogs go in, don't come out" though), be nice if I found a nice family that prevented these incidents altogether, get self brushed/groomed regularly (hey as long as they know what they're doing, I generally love being pampered), maybe go hunting, swimming, herding (OMG YES, I'd love that!) or ride in a car with the window down...and then afterwards we get Happy Meals! ;)

(No shit, my mom, after me and my brother moved out, once bought our dogs Happy Meals from McDonald's...oh to be so spoiled and loved, lol)

Would you require a lot of training? Yes. Every day it would probably be a good idea to teach me something new and reinforce good behaviors. I learn very quickly but I also get easily distracted and need constant stimuli. And because all situations are different, "training" would have to be a "lifetime commitment" rather than one time deal.

How do you feel about children? Delicious. ;) Nah, just kidding. They're okay. I can usually tolerate their quirks and lack of social graces more than adults too because I know they don't know any better. They can actually be pretty fun.

Would you say that you require a lot of companionship? Somewhat, not so much for me, but the sanity and sanctity of others, perhaps. If I'm left too much to my own devices I tend to create problems for myself and others.

A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.
Pick one!
[] Small
[] Medium
[] Big
[X] No preference

Pick one!
[] Popular breed
[X] Less popular breed
[] No preference

Pick one!
[] Relatively "modern" breed
[] Traditional breed
[X] No preference

FIGHTER OR LOVER? Reputation as a fighter, more of a lover
QUIET OR LOUD? Moreso loud
GENTLE OR ROUGH? Again, rep would say rough, but I can be gentle
MATURE OR IMMATURE? Yes, I'm working on it, okay
PASSIONATE OR COOL? Most people probably think "Cool", I'd say "Passionate"
LAZY OR FULL OF ENERGY? Body moreso lazy, but mind is always active, and I get sick of just sitting around and these bursts of energy last for days

Pick a few:
[] Aristocratic
[X] Well-balanced
[] Strong
[X] Good watchdog
[] Ancient
[] Agile
[] Territorial
[X] Independent
[X] Easily bored
[ ] Working dog
[X] Mischievous
[X] Clever
[X] Stubborn
[X] Sociable
[] Careful
[X] Sometimes aggressive
[] Robust
[] Powerful
[X] Proud
[] Vivacious
[X] Very protective
[] Merry, sweet disposition
[X] Mellow
[X] Playful
[] Graceful
[X] Highly intelligent
[x] Exceptionally patient *can appear to be
[X] Harmonious
[x] Slightly more reserved and shy *with strangers
[X] Very much attached to its master
[X] Delighted to work and play hard
[] Demanding and dependent

A breed (or breeds) you do not associate with at all (please explain): IDK, there are so many...different ones...Bichon Frise maybe. IDK what their intended purpose was at first (terriers, so I tend to think hunting or "ratters"), but that doesn't seem to apply anymore. Too much inbreeding, maybe. The ones I've always met are such little powder puffs. They don't like to do anything but be waited on hand-and-foot and bite people for no reason (only trying to feed, bathe, groom, pet them). Luckily they're tiny teeth can't do much, but still. It's no wonder many of them get so bored that they develop destructive behaviors, this I could forgive if not for everything else. I can't imagine being so high maintenance. I don't know if I really even consider them dogs, but just cotton balls that were given legs and teeth by mistake. DNW

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