i think its hilarious that someone can get on a community displaying how proud she is for numerous litters of dogs and show no remorse for mommy dying while disabling comments because she cant take the heat. And I get banned because I call someone out on what i believe to be bullshit
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I called the mod's choice for that week "bullshit." and i roundabouts called her out on her BYB practices with her rescue rats and gliders. I said that i would not even put jenner on a dirt pedestal. but watch, when amanda loads up pics of master ryker and snoopy playing bitey face... :grin:
I was getting tired of the attitude on there myself, almost to the point were i was going to leave on my own before the theme week nonsense. it was/is becoming too political for a picture/question based forum. But sometimes (like in the case of someone adopting a shy/possibly unstable pit) they are trying to warn and throw reality in their face. I think if she were to have said "what do i do BEFORE i agree to adopt this dog" it would have been more welcomed. this dog was supposedly minutes away from euth but reading what i have, i'm not sure that poor baby is getting much better. Not fair to her for her to live her doggie life in fear.
Some people want you to be an expert when you ask about them. funny thing is, if you were an expert, you wouldnt need to ask.
If you are looking for a good alternative to Petbulls, try http://pitbullforum.com unless you have already, you need to be sharing that user name!!! :)
About that one rescue situation, I don't know. I was kind of confused about why everyone was freaking out. The woman doing the rescuing is very well versed in rescuing, she wasn't asking for advice on that; she was asking for some advice on female pit relations. It was really weird. Like, she KNOWS that the dog may have to be euthed if it turns out it is unsound, she just wants it to have a chance. She works in a shelter environment too, and is a lawyer, so she's not a total retard. I guess I usually try to maintain calm in the petbulls community. I just wish people wouldn't freak out about EVERY thing, and just stay on the topic of advice someone asked for. That being said, I don't even know this woman who is rescuing the dog, and I am a moderate bleeding heart, so I am more prone to "yar save the pupper!" than not. I think that everyone that has all this shelter experience has seen a lot of SHIT and are able to make much more difficult decisions about a dog's fate than me; I just want to save them all cuz I am crazy.
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