Jun 11, 2008 22:32

(which somehow translates as "Horsey!" in Toddler)

As usual, I worked with the SPUR kids today at the barn. Amber and I being the most experienced volunteers at the barn today (out of...5 volunteers. Eek), we were placed with the kids with severe disabilities. It was a lot more actual physical therapy than I'm used to, and that was awesome. It was really cool to see some of these kids slowly start to relax on the horse and start seeing them become more alert to their environment. One actually fell asleep and started snoring while we were stretching his arms.

But! after that, the barn owner (national championship Dressage rider/instructor) looks at Amber and I and asks which of us would like a lesson! ::swoons:: It was awesome to be back in the saddle. She started me out riding with a lunge line (think HUGE leash for the horse) until she got an idea of how skilled I am. It was really cool that it only took a couple starts and stops before she unleashed (pun intended) me on the ring. I didn't do much more than transitions and trotting, but that was enough for me. I will be SO sore tomorrow it's not even funny. But hopefully it will be the sweet sore of the well worked muscle.

I had never realized how different Hunter and Dressage were as styles. I was used to shorter stirrups and slightly different methods of directing the horse. It seems I have "Bad Hunter Habits."

The cool thing is that my instructor said that I have good basics, and show a lot of potential. I look forward to the day that I'm riding at the level I used to. In the meantime, I am resigned to sore shoulders and aching ankles. (surprise! I'm pigeon-toed. Keeping my toes forward is HARD.)

Now I just have to see if I can figure out how many hours I've worked (and how soon I can have another lesson)

...after I write the paper that's due...tomorrow.
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