A poem by me for school

May 04, 2008 19:47


Ever wonder where I come from?

Hiding in the darkness, laughing

Ever tried to destroy me…

Only to realize nothing can?

I am a virus slithering inside

I run thicker than blood in your veins

Everyone knows I am wicked

I push the innocent off the edge

I blend in with crowds, plotting

Just waiting for one fatal mistake

I whisper sweet nothings into your dreams

And turn them into nightmares

You fear that I will turn the key

And unlock the gate to your inhibitions

You get lost easily in moments

Where you wallow in your weakness

Forgetting that you are my prey

Ever wonder how strong I am?

Though you turn from me to run

My power over you turns you to stone

The villain of your mind takes over

Ever wonder where I am?

Look in the mirror, I am there inside

Feel me as I pull you down

Those who have seen my face

Draw back in fear and terror

You are the mask I wear

But it’s me they hear

My voice fills you with a strange sweetness

Yet my words are vile and cruel

Always hoping to tear you apart

I laugh as you cower and cry

For in the end denial gets you nowhere

I always come out victorious

Why bother trying to fight me?

Ever wonder why you need me?

You cling to your troubles and despair

As a dying man reaches for the light

Ever wonder what I fear?

What makes me writhe in agony?

I will give you clues to my demise

Fully knowing you will never use them

For you use me as an excuse

You cover up your poor decisions

We need each other to survive

So I do not fear that you will demolish me

Love to me is poison, too sweet for my tongue

Honesty is like a knife, I want to gouge out my eyes

But anger is the fan to my flames

Deceit the salve to soothe my burns

Ever wonder what makes me smile?

This will surprise you I’m sure

For what I secretly treasure most

is the beauty of youthful innocence

The young are naïve and trusting

They are my clay ready for molding

Ever wonder what my name is?

Although I must confess I have many

Some call me evil, other a demon

But am I truly the monster hidden inside?

In each soul there is darkness

This is where my seeds are sewn

Seven deadly sins help me grow

I am an unstoppable force

And I come from all of you

Ever wonder who is the villain?

Who is to blame for all injustice?

Just look at your face in the mirror

And there you will find me,
The villain in your mind

life, dark, poetry

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