NAME: Lysoke
lysokeEMAIL: lysoke[at]gmail[dot]com
AIM: lysoke
CHARACTER NAME: Numair Salmalin
FANDOM: The Immortals Quartet
CANON: At the end of “The Realm of the Gods” (The 4th book)
WHAT THEY LOST: His ability to perform magic in the way that he knows how. His magic is still available to him, but his usual/familiar methods for casting and ‘visualizing’ his spells no longer work. This also extends to his ability to meditate, Numair’s preferred way of regaining magical strength, he will be unable to concentrate like he could before.
Numair was born in Tyra to merchants under the name ‘Arram Draper’ and that was where his magic training began. However, Numair’s skill in magic was so great, he only learned the really powerful spells. While going to school, he met and befriended the future emperor, Orzone. However, Orzone felt threatened by Numair’s abilities and had the man thrown into jail.
Numair escaped prison and fled, taking on the name Numair Salmalin instead and attempting to make his way into Tortall where he could escape Orzone’s influence. Although he was talented at slight-of-hand tricks and juggling, he nearly starved without a proper job and only survived because a lady-knight of the realm, Alanna, found him. Alanna saw the magical powers and potential he had and took Numair to Chorus to see the king.
The king, Jonathon, employed Numair as a spy and taught him some simpler magics though, with Numair’s skill level, he could only learn a few spells. Because his magical abilities were so great, Jonathon soon employed him as head-mage and brought Numair into his inner-circle of council. A few years later, Numair met Daine and took her on as his pupil and, eventually, the girl became the most important person in his life.
Despite the hardships he faced, Numair never lost his easy-going nature or love for the simple things. One of his favorite things is to just read or relax with nature. He finds enjoyment in a lot of things others might find boring or menial and enjoys the company of others. This said, the castle is a busy place and even Numair likes a little peace and quiet at times so he can practice his magic, meditate, or relax with his own thoughts.
Despite having been betrayed by his close friend, Numair remains stubbornly loyal to those he cares about and will protect them at any cost, particularly, Daine. A slight fault to this aspect of him is that he’s quick to trust, though this earns him friends fairly readily, and will defend this trust till he’s given reason not to. Between his prior experience and his trusting side, Numair is very affected by betrayal. He won’t tolerate it and becomes very angry when it happens. Although Numair is very easy-going his temper is not something you want directed at you. He can become very dangerous when someone betrays him or someone he cares about and will not hesitant to act on this anger if the situation affects him enough. (Like when Daine was threatened by another mage and Numair turned him into a tree.
A trait Numair has had throughout his life is his supreme love of learning and, in turn, teaching what he’s learned. He loves knowledge in general and being given the chance to learn new things excites him like little else can. Numair can, easily, get lost in a new book, immersing himself in whatever thing he is learning and not letting up until he is done or forced to set it aside for a while. This love shows clearly in his own teaching and the patience he has with his students. Whether he’s teaching gifted students the ways of their magic or non-gifted how to better ease their minds and deal with the stressors of everyday life, Numair takes joy in all aspects of sharing knowledge.
Numair’s abilities The Gift in general THIRD-PERSON WRITING SAMPLE:
There were many reasons Numair loved the library. One of them was the silence it brought. After spending the day around students, colleges, friends, and all that noise, it was nice to have a moment when one’s thoughts wouldn’t be interrupted by a conversation or a question. It was a good time to reflect, read, or work on personal projects that were pushed aside in favor of duty.
He never had any issues with his day-to-day life, there were just times when he couldn’t help but look forward to those hours alone at the end of the day. They nearly served the same purpose as meditating except, instead of relaxing to recollect his bearings and his magic; he put his brain and knowledge to good use: learning all he could from any new text he got his hands on, and applying the information to what he already knew. It was mentally relaxing while still keeping himself useful and challenged.
Of course, it was long past the end of the day now. Now, no one at all was awake except the guards and people who were not where they were supposed to be. A small smirk crossed his face as the thought that Daine would classify him as a man ‘not where he was supposed to be’ either. It was late…or early, as it were, and he should have been sleeping for the past several hours instead of pouring over the texts before him as though they would disappear if he stopped. Not that it mattered, Even as he thought of all this, he knew the sunrise would find him still in this spot, learning what he could and reviewing the rest till the duties of ‘day-to-day’ pulled him away once more.
I apologize for interrupting anything you might have been doing, but my curiosity has prompted me to pose my question to you all.
For those of you who possess The Gift, magic, how do you call your power? Do you use an object? Perhaps words or visuals?
And for those of you without The Gift, how do you find yourself relaxing or, even, meditating; methods differ from person to person, after all.
INTENT: I don’t know what I want to do except develop him more as a person. What draws me to him is his passion for pretty much everything he does and how innocently-excited he can get about learning new things, it’s not something any of my other muses share.