Oct 30, 2004 14:51
lol oh man I saw Team America today....fuckin hilarious!! Matt Stone and Trey Parker have some serious issues, and they're making so much money off of it! The movie was so stupid and raunchy, but man was it funny. Even if what was actually going on wasn't funny, the movements of the damn puppets was enough to laugh at, not to mention thepuppet porn scene....I have no further comments on that. Anyhwho yeah I'm still totally psyched about leaving on tuesday to virginia, where I'll be able to buy civillian clothes and act normally again. Oh yeah I just got my actin/modeling site up....thanks to my manager Mr. Jesse Kline. If you actually wanna see it, go to www.hollywoodauditions.com/cast/lopez_martin.htm. It's still really raw and blank because I haven't done anything....but I'm off to a good start. I'lll be doin a hell of a lot down there, so wish me luck!!! Maybe I'll actually make a name for myself!!! Peace!