Thanks. I keep puzzling over how folks find these interesting, even though I didn't do anything exciting like dig people out of the rubble or work at a relief center.
Actually (this is on the Q.T.), because of something you said to me about the superhero-slaves project, I have been working on it in my Copious Free. There are three chapters; I need to get 4 written. So, not laughing here. Working.
Thanks *blush.* When I get close to the end of a draft, I'll ping you, but don't hold your breath; I work notoriously slowly. If I show it 'round before it's mostly drafted, I'm afraid it will lose its urgency.
(This, ahem, could be put to work in a novel . . . yes, in your Copious Free. No, I do hear the laughter. It's bouncing off satellites.)
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