Bad day

Oct 31, 2007 09:57

So yesterday morning, not so bright and early, cheryl came banging on my door. Actually, it was 6am and i was sound asleep. The banging had the sound of urgency so I was out of bed and running for the door before I was even fully awake. She had found my cat, Tucker, in the grain room when she went to feed and there was blood all over him. She figured cat fight or something. I brought my shaking crying cat in and got him cleaned up. There werent any actual wounds on him, just blood pouring from his eyes, nose and mouth. Next thought... he got hit by something, which we thought we confirmed later when we found a horse that looked like he had panicked in his stall and had serious injuries too. As soon as the vet opened up at 8am, i took my kitty in and they also thought it looked like he had been hit in the face. Hours later, we get a phone call... he has a virus that affects the membranes in the upper respiratory tract and makes them bleed. It also makes it hard for him to breath, his muscles and joints are all swollen and sore, and it comes with a fever on top of all that.

Today, the vet called and said he is doing much better, but still not great. I will be able to take him home by the end of the day, but he'll have to be separated from other cats for 3 weeks at least. So here I am, trying to kill time until I get a call to come pick him up from the vet.
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