Dec 20, 2006 22:13
Last night was what I would consider the first real date I've been on... ever. I was called up by Charlie, who I dont know very well. he picked me up, took me out to dinner, paid, and suggested a movie afterwards. I guessed wrong, I'm thinking not gay at all. somewhat religeous, the look on his face when my religion came up was pretty good. I have never met someone who was so easy to talk to and its so easy to feel at ease and comfortable with him. And although its not a date movie, I suggested watching Donnie Darko. we have very different tastes in movies. He likes real life and thought provoking and comedy and I like mindless action, fantasy and sci-fi. i thought Donnie Darko would be thought provoking enough for him and I havent seen it in years. Too bad he had to go have surgery today and is now laid up for a week.
The only thing that could make this winter break better would be some cold weather and snow. It's going to be hard to go skiing over new years on grass.