Mar 30, 2004 21:21
...With 50.Cal rounds and a big dig downtown and expletives all for your foe."
Alot of liberals are running around these days saying liberal is short for liberty. Ironically, liberal comes from the latin word "librase" which means to control and manipulate. This is what I love about the democrats. They are one giant, writhing, collective mass of hypocrisy. I have been perusing the transcripts from the September 11th commission and have even managed to catch some of the on-air footage of it, mostly the Clarke episode *laugh...yawn*. Basically, the gist of Clarke's testimony is this: Clinton had terrorism as a high priority, while pre-9/11 Bush didnt, and that he was dumb etc. One particularly striking quotation from Clarke gave us a good insight into his competency concerning national security affairs. In reference to Bush's post 9/11 action, Clarke claims Bush acted "akin to, what if Franklin Roosevelt after Pearl Harbor instead of going to war with Japan said, "Let's invade Mexico." It's very analagous." Which is kind of funny considering the first place we invaded after Pearl Harbor was MOROCCO. Why? Because it was strategically feasible. VERY ANALAGOUS MR.CLARKE!!! How apt of you. As for his claim that Clinton had terrorism as his highest priority, if you had asked anyone during Clinton's administration what Bill's top priority was, very few would have said terrorism. I would have replied "Perjury and sexual harassment." In fact, in Clinton's 2000 State of the Union address, the very first words out of his mouth were:
"We are fortunate to be alive at this moment in history. Never before has our nation enjoyed, at once, so much prosperity and social progress with so little internal crisis and so few external threats."
One year and eight months later The United States suffered its worst terrorist attack ever, plunging an already stagnant economy into deeper crisis and killing thousands.