Jun 22, 2006 16:40
Just a personal checklist. XD Ignore it.
1. Finish latest Chapter of EY. Before the people reading it come after you with pitchforks.
2. Finish that Mr.D side-story for the Flamingo.
3. Write something for Yuki K./Tohma pairing on 30 Passions.
4. Pretend you still care and update Dragon Eyes and Lipstick- This also knocks off part of your 50-Gravi-Challenges.
5. Write that wierd ass Car petting crackfic. You KNOW what I mean.
6. INK and Color those seven pictures.
7. Redraw the crack-image of 'Tohma' the Clefable-morph. You can do better. While you're at it, sketch up another of Rasha eating a pidgey, cause we're sick that way.
8. Draw the latest Grasper Crack. Two words. Marzipan Dress.
9. Finally figure out to say 'Fuck off we aren't here you stupid bastards' in Japanese - and put it on the answering machine.
10. STUDY your Kana. Dumb lazy bitch.
11. Go through at least the first three towns in the new Crystal Game. Get Maliace.
12. Get insurance, get appointment, and figure out if you need surgery for your leg. Idiot.
13. Play more DDR. Just to spite yourself.
14. Write the new post. Eiri-kun is waiting, and you're only being lazy by not doing it.
15. Scan some images from doujin to make a cross-fandom mood theme. You have the time.
16. Re-design the Spoon in the Road. Consider moving it over to the other account.
17. Figure out what the hell the deal with Gaia is. Because you still don't get it.
18. Revamp your Subeta- cause right now it sucks.