Maybe I'm too much of a nosy person. Maybe people trust me way too much. Either way, the nosiness paid off, but in a weird way.
About 3 days ago, after work, I was just hanging around, waiting on one of my friends to get off to go around the track with him. (100 degree weather and doing a few laps, crazy exercise) When he got off, I waited on him to eat. This girl sat beside us, waiting on her shift to start. For some reason, I grabbed her phone and started looking through it. She didn't grab it back, so I figured there was nothing too bad in it. Started looking at the pics, average pose to the camera pics, then saw 4 very interesting ones. One had her in her white bra, while the other 3 were of her with her massive breasts exposed. I took a look at her, still no motion to grab it back. Maybe she thought I was Tech Illiterate or something. I admired the pics as briefly as I could, because I still had work pants on, gave the phone back to her, and got me a little tea, not believing what happened.
I did it again today, took her phone, looked through her pictures, and kept looking at those pics of her breasts. I swear, guy looks twice, and you say nothing about the phone. Weird. I would've at least warned the guy or something like my cousin Tye did me (after) I already looked through her phone. Those breasts looked luscious and juicy... But something personally felt a little off with that. Like the look, but somehow something doesn't feel right about it. Next time, I'm getting more into her personal data if I can, ie: the illusive Bra Sizes!
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