On Politics

Oct 29, 2007 23:53

Why is it that during election time, the winners are accused of cheating and the losers are accused of sour graping? Not that it is a certainty, but that such results are always unaccepted? It's both disappointing and oddly hilarious to think that there would come a time when the post-elections would just be clean and simple, when the winners would congratulate the losers on a fine effort, and vice versa.

Well my dad lost the campaign, supposedly it was a sweep from the other side. At dinner the supporters kept whining about how the other side played dirty, how they bought votes the night before and sabotaged the efforts into making the proceedings less... dirty. I really don't know what is going on, but objectively to make such accusations is just plain whining and sour graping. And the funny thing is that before they began their fruitless complaints they stated that they weren't... sour graping. I guess I now know where I get my lack of commitment to my words.

It's a shame that my dad lost, but it's even worse to assume the other side cheated just to do so. Maybe they did, maybe they didn't. Maybe there were just some things that were out of hand. Whatever the excuse it wasn't as clean as hoped. A lot of people were hurt *not physically* and the lessons which were supposedly learned would probably take some time before they sink in. As for me, I'm just glad it's all over. I'm a bit relieved though, but I SHOULD be feeling bad about the loss. But I'm not...
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