it's christmas time. pretty damn happy about it. split up from college, buying presents, andy andy andy andy!!!... did i mention andy? <33333!! hm. thought so. on your left, indeed, it is a picture of me with my GLITTERY santa hat. get in. this week has been very eventful from yelling at exes to singing happily in the kitchens at college. this week i'm going to my work meal with everyone [SO looking forward to it] going to the pub with lou on wednesday &&& then.. thursday, CURRY WITH ARTHUR!! my good ole' pal. if anyone is free tomorrow evening, gimme a call or text me, i'm bored. && lonely then. & i'll have worked too. which is not good. & i'm working tuesday. oo, i promised to many young children that i would post in party photos from last week. i don't have that many because my card got full so i had to delete a couple. oops. but still...
bigger ledge<333
[spot the difference]
apart from the size.
vicki mac: check your myspace :)
see, i TOLD you i didn't have that many. duh.
i just wanna wish you all [as i probably won't update anymore before christmas]:
A Very Merry Christmas, May You All Be Happy & Stay Safe <333
this is my second christmas on lovejournal.. i mean livejournal. congratulations.. merry christmas x.
ooo, edit; the cinema is cancelled on wednesday as i haven't any money && hardly anybody could make it. sorry guys, will be after christmas. promise!! x