Aug 27, 2012 12:31
Lets talk code switching. I think on some level, we all do it.
Do you realize when you do it or is it just a seamless transition that you notice after the fact.
Do you think code switching is important? Would you rather you not have to do it?
Which "code" do you think is more 'your' voice or is it had to tell where one starts and the other ends?
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Comments 4
I think my voice is fluid and a cross between the two.
I think it's important for me in some contexts, but I wish that I felt that I have a voice and demeanor that commands respect so I'd feel like I don't have to do it so much. All of my black coworkers do it in a less dramatic manner, sometimes it doesn't seem like they do at all, but I'm more white girl and younger and more silly-seeming, so it feels weird if I talk to the white customers like that. When I have black customers, I sound a lot less put on and I tend to be more casual with them too (while still providing great customer service, if not better, lol).
I'm in the middle skewing towards white girl, especially since I moved to and out of the country. When I was younger I used to sound more like my "white girl" voice all the time, but now I'm definitely in the middle.
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