Jul 28, 2006 00:23
I'm writing liek a fean their so much i want i remember last year around septmber i was just at peace with things now I'm a hormonal mess i think or maybe its the lack of human contact I've been having or just the whole having some one then not and at times it liek its been only a month yet it feel like a year and I'm liek cherise get ahold of your self seriously come on.I feel like a change is happening and I don't know how to act I knwo theirs a change IN me and in life and in the people around me everyone is growing.I really need to focus on things I've let other things get out of hand.How could I do that.i know how Its summer i have too much free time which is hard to belive since i work every day.I am glad though that I've gotten the chance to hose sit and spend time with my cousin cat she's this fat cat that always needs peting some times its too much but it's nice.I also liek the change in senerey.Also i can't spell.I can;t wait for school to start I'm excited it will be nice to get away from working.I liek my coworkers tomorrow i work at discovery I hope i get to work with erika shes the manger nazi yet i like her alot and working with her is so much fun and teh other manger jamie you can just tell that she's burnned out working two jobs.one thing I hate is that they always talk about their Boyfriends all i think about is how they ned to enjoy it now cause when its gone it hurts. I've also been think alot about decions this guy in my apartment is living with his ex girfriend who happens to be pregnant their both 20.I can't imagin the burden that kid is going to have growing up with parents that young even though people do it all teh time and that great more power to you but for me no way.Since i"ve moved out and been in portland I'm really recollected my thoughts on the future and all the different choices people are offered.MM it feel good to type type type type even though its just random thoughts I remmeber in creative writing how i use to love writing but it usally comes in phases and never lasts like anything in life nothing last for long. I really need to get things figured out.my apartment is a mess usally when it gets to s certain point i start worring about my self.I really wish I was asleep right now.